Hi Jorge,

On the aggregation side , I agree it should be somewhere, but I don t think 
this doc is the right place. IP prefix aggregation rules are available for 
Internet too, I was more seeing this  done at IDR if any catchup is required. I 
m still trying to get Sue or John feedbacks.

Will let you know.

thanks for all the improvements done in the doc anyway.


Téléchargez Outlook pour iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
De : Rabadan, Jorge (Nokia - US/Mountain View) <jorge.raba...@nokia.com>
Envoyé : Monday, January 18, 2021 11:36:55 AM
À : slitkows.i...@gmail.com <slitkows.i...@gmail.com>; Stephane Litkowski 
(slitkows) <slitk...@cisco.com>; 
Cc : bess@ietf.org <bess@ietf.org>; bess-cha...@ietf.org <bess-cha...@ietf.org>
Objet : Re: draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking chair review

Hi Stephane,

Thank you for following up.

Please see in-line.


From: slitkows.i...@gmail.com <slitkows.i...@gmail.com>
Date: Monday, January 4, 2021 at 4:14 AM
To: Rabadan, Jorge (Nokia - US/Mountain View) <jorge.raba...@nokia.com>, 
'Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)' <slitk...@cisco.com>, 
Cc: bess@ietf.org <bess@ietf.org>, bess-cha...@ietf.org <bess-cha...@ietf.org>
Subject: RE: draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking chair review

Hi Jorge,

Thanks for the new version.

Few additional comments on the new text:

Section 4.

a)       “This attribute list may contain”. I think we can use “MAY contain”, 
right ?

[jorge] ok, will change in the next rev

C) 2) The statement is unclear to me. Let’s say that I have an IGP route or 
static route in the VRF that needs to be advertised in an EVPN or IPVPN domain, 
does the statement mean that we are advertising the route with the domain ID of 
the EVPN or IPVPN realm ? Could you clarify this particular case ?  C.3) makes 
more sense to me.

[jorge] c2 was specifically added to address a requirement brought up to the 
list. It is open to the operator if – in c2 – the ISF route uses the domain ID 
of the EVPN or the IPVPN domains.

e) uses “GW-PE” could use expand it as “GW-PE (gateway PE)” ?

[jorge] added for the next revision

g) for error handling, could you confirm that receiving an unknown ISF type is 
not an error ?

[jorge] added this, let me know if it is ok:

“Domains in the D-PATH attribute with unknown ISF_SAFI_TYPE values are accepted 
and not considered an error.”

Section 5.2:

Isn’t it dangerous to try to define which attributes needs to be propagated, 
and which one should not be ? We are always creating new attributes, should 
people update this doc each time a new attribute comes ? I don’t really see how 
this could be managed.

[jorge] the reason is security again. We don’t want to blindly propagate things 
across ISF domains. Only those things that help with best path selection. An 
example of things you don’t want to simply blindly propagate is BGP tunnel 
encapsulation attributes, route-targets, EVPN communities, bgp prefix-sid 
attribute… by doing so, unexpected situations may happen. So yes, we think 
future specs will need to say if ISF gateway PEs need to propagate the new 
attribute or not.

[SLI] Let’s get some feedback from IDR people on this. I’m a bit afraid of the 
tracking of updates… I agree that some attributes must not be propagated or 
even does not make sense to be propagated.

[jorge] ok

Section 5.3:

Shouldn’t we just follow existing aggregation rules of each attribute ? Again, 
what happens when new attributes are coming in. I don’t think that the gateway 
function has actually something to change in the aggregation process. 
Aggregation is happening in the VRF, there is no change compared to what is 
existing today, for VRF, it’s just IP prefix aggregation.

[jorge] The aggregation per se is just IP aggregation, but the definition of 
what to do with attributes on the aggregate is new, I think it needs to be 
clearly specified.

[SLI] Right but this is orthogonal to this draft. The rules should exist on a 
standard L3VPN PE.

[jorge] personally I still prefer if we have this somewhere, and this document 
seems to be appropriate (unless it is covered already somewhere else).



From: Rabadan, Jorge (Nokia - US/Mountain View) <jorge.raba...@nokia.com>
Sent: samedi 19 décembre 2020 13:17
To: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows) <slitk...@cisco.com>; 
Cc: bess@ietf.org; bess-cha...@ietf.org
Subject: Re: draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking chair review

Stephane, all

After a few discussions, we published rev 04, which addresses all the comments 
received, including Stephane’s comments.

Please see in-line.



From: Ali Sajassi (sajassi) <saja...@cisco.com<mailto:saja...@cisco.com>>
Date: Monday, December 14, 2020 at 5:17 AM
To: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows) 
Cc: bess@ietf.org<mailto:bess@ietf.org> <bess@ietf.org<mailto:bess@ietf.org>>, 
Subject: Re: draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking chair review

Hi Stephane,

Jorge, John, DJ, and I met several times over the course of last two weeks to 
address DJ and some of the other outstanding comments and in doing so covering 
the following three cases as well:

a)       Advertisements of routes learned over a local AC by a GW into the 
participating domains w/o a domain-path Attribute

b)      Advertisements of routes learned over a local AC by a GW into the 
participating domains w/ a domain-path Attribute that contains a new SAFI and 
new a domain-id

c)       Advertisements of routes learned over a local AC by a GW into the 
participating domains w/ a domain-path Attribute that contains a new SAFI and 
one of the existing domain-id

Jorge is working hard to incorporate the new changes and by end of the week he 
should have a new rev that address all the comments including yours below.



From: "Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)" 
Date: Friday, December 11, 2020 at 7:37 AM
Cc: "bess@ietf.org<mailto:bess@ietf.org>" 
Subject: draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking chair review
Resent-From: <alias-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:alias-boun...@ietf.org>>
Resent-To: <jorge.raba...@nokia.com<mailto:jorge.raba...@nokia.com>>, Cisco 
Employee <saja...@cisco.com<mailto:saja...@cisco.com>>, 
Resent-Date: Friday, December 11, 2020 at 7:35 AM

Hi Authors,

Please find below my chair review related to 

BTW, you need to refresh the draft now, it has expired.

Section 3:

·         Nit:

s/uniqueness of the DOMAIN- ID/uniqueness of the DOMAIN-ID/

[jorge] fixed, thx

·         a) I agree with DJ’s comment on: “This attribute list may contain 
zero, one or more segments". It is actually one or more.

[jorge] fixed, thx

·         The section 3 contains both normative and non-normative language. If 
section 3 is intended to detail the normative behavior of adding/modifying 
D-PATH, it must use normative for any of the normative procedure. For instance 
b) may require normative language. While it is very good to have an example in 
b), one or more clear normative rules are required before talking about the 

[jorge] ok, added more normative language.

·         b) talks about domain-ids attached to IP-VRF, this is fine. However, 
the text should provide a wider view so people don’t think that this is the 
only option. Domain-Ids may be assigned at VRF level, but also at more a higher 
level (BGP peer), or even lower level (bgp community…). We should not limit 
implementations here in the granularity domain-ids are defined.

[jorge] check out the new text in (e)

·         c) I don’t see why “MUST NOT”, it does not hurt to have a DOMAIN-ID 
associated with non ISF world (routes learned from IGP, static)… there could be 
design where people do BGP one leg and non-BGP on the other leg. We should 
probably relax that.

[jorge] check out the new text in (c)

Would you mind adding a beautiful ASCII-ART for the attribute format ? It’s 
usually good to have when reading to see the attribute format rather than 
having to read the text.

[jorge] done

You need to define the error handling procedures for D-PATH as per RFC7606 (you 
should have it as normative ref too).

[jorge] done, check out the new text in (g)

Section 3.1

This sentence is misleading and does not match with the normative behavior of 
Section 3) d)

“In general, any interworking PE that imports an ISF route MUST flag

   the route as "looped" if its D-PATH contains a <DOMAIN-ID:ISF_SAFI_TYPE> 
segment, where DOMAIN-ID matches a local DOMAIN-ID

   in the tenant IP-VRF.”

I don’t see the value of this section beyond providing an example. The 
normative behavior is already given in Section 3) d). Can’t the example be 
packed under d).

[jorge] ok, done.

Also the pointed sentence still refers to a DOMAIN-ID per VRF, which is not 
good for a generic statement. My domain ID info could from the BGP peer config. 
Again, this option of per VRF is fine, but this is not the only one that can be 

[jorge] agreed. See new text.

Section 4.1:

I don’t see why “no-propagation-mode” is the default mode. This is breaking 
existing propagation of attributes from SAFI 1 to SAFI 128. When we have a CE 
running BGP with a PE, the PE propagates the attributes (CTs, ASPATH, MED…) 
coming from the CE.

[jorge] the reason why it is the default mode is security (the security section 
points out some risks of the propagation or attributes). In order to not break 
existing RFC4364 implementations we added this:

“This is the default mode of operation for gateway PEs that re-export ISF 
routes from any ISF SAFI into EVPN, and from EVPN into any other SAFI.” – since 
there is no other spec for EVPN interworking, we should be fine.

This section creates some ambiguity about the D-PATH attribute. Based on 
Section 3, D-PATH will be necessarily sent but received D-PATH may be dropped 
and new one created but the text of section 4.1 makes me think that it’s not 
the case in no-propagation mode.

I think setting D-PATH is orthogonal to the attribute propagation.

As section 4.1 tells, people may still want to rely on existing SoO for 
instance in some case in this case D-PATH may not be added.

I think section 3 and 4.1 have to be more clear on the normative procedures 
about D-PATH addition/modification.

[jorge] good point. I clarified section 3(b) - D-PATH MUST be added by the 
gateway PE as long as the gateway works in uniform-propagation-mode.

Section 4.2:

Isn’t it dangerous to try to define which attributes needs to be propagated, 
and which one should not be ? We are always creating new attributes, should 
people update this doc each time a new attribute comes ? I don’t really see how 
this could be managed.

[jorge] the reason is security again. We don’t want to blindly propagate things 
across ISF domains. Only those things that help with best path selection. An 
example of things you don’t want to simply blindly propagate is BGP tunnel 
encapsulation attributes, route-targets, EVPN communities, bgp prefix-sid 
attribute… by doing so, unexpected situations may happen. So yes, we think 
future specs will need to say if ISF gateway PEs need to propagate the new 
attribute or not.

Isn’t there an indentation issue starting “When propagating an ISD route to a 
different ISF SAFI…” ?

[jorge] should be fixed now, thx

The considerations about ASPATH look really implementation details to me (at 
least the way it is written). Basically the ASPATH propagation rules doesn’t 
change and the gateway function itself does not modify the ASPATH.

Similarly, for the IBGP-only path attributes, the word “copy” looks really 
implementation dependent. Why not telling that the advertised route should keep 
the received iBGP-only attribute ?

[jorge] ok, I changed it with “keep”

You should also clarify considerations regarding rfc6368.

[jorge] not sure what you mean, would you suggest some text please?

Section 4.3:

Shouldn’t we just follow existing aggregation rules of each attribute ? Again, 
what happens when new attributes are coming in. I don’t think that the gateway 
function has actually something to change in the aggregation process. 
Aggregation is happening in the VRF, there is no change compared to what is 
existing today, for VRF, it’s just IP prefix aggregation.

[jorge] The aggregation per se is just IP aggregation, but the definition of 
what to do with attributes on the aggregate is new, I think it needs to be 
clearly specified.

However, as we are defining D-PATH, we can define aggregation rules related to 

[jorge] it is also included yes.

Section 5:

“For a given prefix advertised in one or more non-EVPN ISF routes, the

   BGP best path selection procedure will produce a set of "non-EVPN

   best paths".  For a given prefix advertised in one or more EVPN ISF

   routes, the BGP best path selection procedure will produce a set of

   "EVPN best paths". »

I think the EVPN vs non EVPN paths is a bit misleading. Couldn’t we simplify 
say that we have best path selection at ISF level which inserts routes in 
IP-VRF and then we have a new selection at VRF level.

[jorge] the new ISF SAFI is EVPN, and the new spec is the selection between 
EVPN and non-EVPN. The rest of the ISF SAFIs and their interaction was already 
there. That’s why we thought it was clearer to talk in terms of EVPN and 
non-EVPN. Let us know if it is not ok.

Regarding the new tie-breakers:

It s not clear to me which steps tie breaks an IPVPN path vs an EVPN path 
(composite PE case) that are equivalent (only ISF changes).

[jorge] if everything else is the same, step 4 would remove from consideration 
the IPVPN path.

Section 7:

I agree with Suresh’s comment about the unclarity of the first bullet.

This document makes ISF 1 in the picture, so all the procedures defined in the 
document are applicable to all the combinations of ISFs including SAFI1 <-> 
SAFI 128. So the text must be written carefully.

[jorge] check out the new text, we tried to capture SAFI 1 consistently now..

Section 10:  This section should be at the top of the document.

[jorge] done

Section 11:

You need a security consideration section.

[jorge] done

Section 15:

IMO, intersubnet forwarding and prefix-adv drafts must be normative as they are 
key components of the solution.

[jorge] ok, done

Pls update the draft and then I’ll ask IDR to have a review on the draft as 



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