
I had suggested:

"The value field in the link bandwidth EC is to be treated as a 6 octet 
unsigned integer and it is the provider's  responsibility to encode it 
consistently across all of the PEs attached to a given ES.  So, for example, if 
the provider wanted the EC to represent attachment circuit bandwidth, it should 
decide the units, e.g., 1 GBPS, and then encode the value field as a multiple 
of that unit.

This ensures that when an ingress PE is doing weighted load balancing, in all 
cases it is doing simple integer arithmetic on values whose semantics are 
unknown to it."

Yours Irrespectively,


Juniper Business Use Only
From: BESS <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2021 4:04 AM
To: Neeraj Malhotra <>
Subject: Re: [bess] New short WGLC for draft-ietf-bess-evpn-unequal-lb

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

Hi Neeraj,

Thanks for considering my comments.
Much better from my perspective. Thank you.

I have two comments on the changes:
- Regarding deployments
§4.1 allows two rather incompatible encodings/usages with no way to detect 
which one is used: some PE could advertise the bandwidth in bytes, while some 
other PE could advertise a general weight. I understand that both works, but to 
me there is a significant risk of issues over time or between domain/SP. I'd 
prefer that you only chose one in order to favour consistency in deployments 
and usage and I would prefer the real bandwidth (at least for consistency with 
the name of the community, but also because this is not subjective)  (And if a 
SP really wants to put an arbitrary value, I think he will figure out by 
himself, that it can do so).
If you disagree with the above, then I would have a comment on the two below 
An implementation may support one or more of the above ways of
   encoding the value.  Operator MUST ensure consistent encoding of this
   value across all PEs in an ethernet segment.
Logic dictates that the second sentence (MUST) can only be fulfilled if the 
first sentence mandates that all implementations MUST support both options, or 
one specifically defined.

- Regarding existing implementations:
previous version of the draft did not really specify the format of the EVPN EC. 
I had personally assumed that the format was similar to the 
draft-ietf-idr-link-bandwidth link bandwidth community hence encoded in IEEE 
floating point format. Latest version of the draft defines it in unsigned 
integer. Integer looks good to me, but for an existing implementation this may 
be seen as an incompatible change very late in the process. Obviously, if there 
are no implementation, there is no issue. In which case, you could also express 
the bandwidth in unit of bit/s _if you_ wish to. (I have no preference). 
However given that the draft had indicated a codepoint, there seem to be a risk 
of existing implementations hence incompatible change. BTW the codepoint is 
squatted even though the registry is FCFS hence easy to request.


From: Neeraj Malhotra []
Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2021 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: [bess] New short WGLC for draft-ietf-bess-evpn-unequal-lb

Hi Bruno,

Many thanks for the review comments. We have revised the draft addressing your 

More inline.


On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 2:20 AM 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Stéphane, authors,

I have not followed the discussions on this document, but I'll nonetheless 
raise one point  regarding the bandwidth community (better safe than sorry).
- why has [BGP-LINK-BW] been moved to informational reference while its reading 
seem mandatory?

[NM]: There was a leftover reference to this in one of the sections that has 
been fixed now to use new EVPN EC. With this, reference to [BGP-LINK-BW] is 
purely informational (as was intended).

- A new EVPN Link Bandwidth extended community is defined, but I could not find 
its specification. I guess that this is the same format as [BGP-LINK-BW] but 
transitive. Could this be explicitly stated?

[NM]: clarified in section 4.

- [BGP-LINK-BW] advertises the bandwidth in unit of bytes (not bits!) per 
second. Could the unit of the new EVPN Link Bandwidth extended community be 
also clearly spelled out? Especially give the history on this (cf below). Also 
in order to avoid misleading the readers could the examples use the correct 
unit (vs bits per seconds as writen)

[NM]: done.

- 10 years ago or so, I had raised a similar point (distinction between bits 
and bytes) on [BGP-LINK-BW] in the IDR WG. And it turned out that 1 major 
implementation had implemented and deployed "bytes per second" as per the spec, 
while another implementation had implemented and deployed "bits per second" 
which is the typical unit of link bandwidth. Given the deployments, none was 
willing to change its implementation as it would be a non-backward compatible 
change with themselves. What's the status on this? Could we have an 
implementation status on this?

[NM]: I don't have this information. Perhaps someone else could comment.


From: BESS [<>] On 
Behalf Of<>
Sent: Monday, May 3, 2021 9:21 AM
Subject: [bess] New short WGLC for draft-ietf-bess-evpn-unequal-lb

Hi WG,

We got final updates from authors on draft-ietf-bess-evpn-unequal-lb.

I'm opening a new short Working Group Last Call (to be closed on 5/10) to

get any last comments before moving to the next step.

However, the document having normative references to EVPN PREF DF, and 
PER-MCAST-FLOW-DF, the draft will not be sent to IESG until these drafts are 

Feel free to send comments to the list before next Monday.




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