
As is customary, please find attached my documents shepherd’s review of 

There are a fair number of mostly editorial comments scattered throughout the 
draft, prefixed by ‘MB>’.

Please treat these as you would any other WG last call comments.

Best regards


Network Working Group                                         L. Dunbar
Internet Draft                                              J. Guichard
Intended status: Informational                                Futurewei
Expires: July 29, 2023                                   Ali Sajassi
                                                               J. Drake
                                                               B. Najem
                                                            Bell Canada
                                                         Ayan Barnerjee
                                                              D. Carrel
                                                        IPsec Research
                                                       January 29, 2023

                   BGP Usage for SDWAN Overlay Networks


   The document discusses the usage and applicability of BGP as the
   control plane for multiple SDWAN scenarios. The document aims to
   demonstrate how the BGP-based control plane is used for large-scale
   SDWAN overlay networks with little manual intervention.

   SDWAN edge nodes are commonly interconnected by multiple types of
   underlay networks owned and managed by different network providers.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. This document may not be modified,
   and derivative works of it may not be created, except to publish it
   as an RFC and to translate it into languages other than English.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on July 29, 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
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   respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this
   document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in
   Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without
   warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................3
   2. Conventions used in this document..............................4
   3. Use Case Scenario Description and Requirements.................6
      3.1. Requirements..............................................6
         3.1.1. Supporting SDWAN Segmentation........................6
         3.1.2. Client Service Requirement...........................6
         3.1.3. SDWAN Traffic Segmentation...........................7
         3.1.4. Zero Touch Provisioning..............................7
         3.1.5. Constrained Propagation of SDWAN Edge Properties.....8
      3.2. Scenario #1: Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN..................9
      3.3. Scenario #2: Differential Encrypted SDWAN................10
      3.4. Scenario #3: Private VPN PE based SDWAN..................12
   4. Provisioning Model............................................13

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      4.1. Client Service Provisioning Model........................13
      4.2. Policy Configuration.....................................14
      4.3. IPsec related parameters Provisioning....................14
   5. BGP Controlled SDWAN..........................................14
      5.1. BGP Walk Through for Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN.........14
      5.2. BGP Walk Through for Differential Encrypted SDWAN........16
      5.3. BGP Walk Through for Application Flow Based Segmentation.17
      5.4. Benefit of Using Recursive Next Hop Resolution...........19
      5.5. Why BGP as Control Plane for SDWAN?......................19
   6. SDWAN Forwarding Model........................................20
      6.1. Forwarding Model for Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN.........20
         6.1.1. Network and Service Startup Procedures..............20
         6.1.2. Packet Walk-Through.................................21
      6.2. Forwarding Model for Hybrid Underlay SDWAN...............22
         6.2.1. Network and Service Startup Procedures..............22
         6.2.2. Packet Walk-Through.................................22
      6.3. Forwarding Model for PE based SDWAN......................23
         6.3.1. Network and Service Startup Procedures..............23
         6.3.2. Packet Walk-Through.................................24
   7. Manageability Considerations..................................25
   8. Security Considerations.......................................25
   9. IANA Considerations...........................................25
   10. References...................................................25
      10.1. Normative References....................................25
      10.2. Informative References..................................26
   11. Acknowledgments..............................................27

1. Introduction

   SDWAN optimizes the transport of IP Packets over multiple underlay
   connectivity services. Here are some of the main characteristics of
   "SDWAN" networks:

MB> Expand SDWAN acronym on first use

     - Augment of transport, which refers to utilizing paths over
MB> Doesn't parse. Augmentation of transport?

       different underlay networks. There are often multiple parallel
       overlay paths between any two SDWAN edges; some are private
       networks over which traffic can traverse with or without
       encryption; others require encryption, e.g., over untrusted
       public networks.
     - Direct Internet breakout from remote branch offices is allowed
       instead of all traffic hauled to Corporate HQ for centralized
       policy control.
     - Some traffic can be forwarded based on their application
       identifiers instead of based on destination IP addresses by the

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       edge nodes placing the traffic onto specific overlay paths based
       on the application-specific policies.
     - The traffic forwarding can also be based on specific performance
       criteria (e.g., packets delay, packet loss, jitter) to provide

MB> s/packets/packet

       better application performance by choosing the underlay that
       meets or exceeds the specified policies.

   [Net2Cloud-Problem] describes the network-related problems to
   connect enterprises' branch offices to dynamic workloads in
   different Cloud Data Centers (DC). SDWAN has been positioned as a
   flexible way to reach dynamic workloads in third-party Cloud DCs.
   However, scaling becomes a significant issue when hundreds or
   thousands of nodes need to be interconnected by SDWAN overlay

   This document describes using BGP as the control plane to scale
   large SDWAN overlay networks.

MB> I am trying to understand the layering here. You are talking about MP-BGP 
as a control plane for the overlay VPN service(s) used to build the SDWAN, 
Can you be clearer about this up-front as I think we need to distinguish this 
from BGP 
used for routing in the underlay. 

2. Conventions used in this document

   Cloud DC:   Third party data centers that host applications and
               workloads owned by different organizations or tenants.

   Controller: Used interchangeably with SDWAN controller to manage
               SDWAN overlay path creation/deletion and monitor the
               path conditions between sites.

   CPE:        Customer Premise Equipment

   CPE-Based VPN: Virtual Private Secure network formed among CPEs.
               This differentiates from more commonly used PE-based
               VPNs [RFC 4364].

   Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN: A SDWAN network in which all traffic
               to/from the SDWAN edges are carried by IPsec tunnels
               regardless of underlay networks. I.e., the client
               traffic is carried by IPsec tunnel even over MPLS
               private networks.

   ISP:        Internet Service Provider

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   NSP:        Network Service Provider. NSP usually provides more
               advanced network services, such as MPLS VPN, private
               leased lines, or managed Secure WAN connections, often
               within a private, trusted domain. In contrast, an ISP
               usually provides plain Internet services over public
               untrusted domains.

   PE:         Provider Edge

   SDWAN Edge Node:  an edge node, which can be physical or virtual,
               maps the attached clients' traffic to the wide area
               network (WAN) overlay tunnels.

   SDWAN:      SD-WAN: Software Defined Wide Area Network. A
               connectivity service offered by a Service Provider that
               optimizes the transport of IP Packets over multiple
               underlay connectivity services by recognizing
               applications at Ingress and determining forwarding
               behavior by applying policies to them.

   SDWAN IPsec SA: IPsec Security Association between two SDWAN ports
               or nodes.

   SDWAN over Hybrid Networks: SDWAN over Hybrid Networks typically
               have edge nodes utilizing bandwidth resources from
               different types of underlay networks, some being private
               networks and others being public Internet.

   WAN Port:   A Port or Interface facing an ISP or Network Service
               Provider (NSP), with address allocated by the ISP or the

   C-PE:       SDWAN Edge node, which can be CPE for customer managed
               SDWAN, or PE for provider managed SDWAN services.

   ZTP:        Zero Touch Provisioning

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3. Use Case Scenario Description and Requirements

   This section describes some essential requirements for SDWAN
   networks and several SDWAN scenarios used by the subsequent sections
   to explain how the BGP control plane is applied.

3.1. Requirements

3.1.1. Supporting SDWAN Segmentation

   "SDWAN Segmentation" is a frequently used term in SDWAN deployment,
   referring to policy-driven network partitioning. An SDWAN segment is
   a virtual private network (SDWAN VPN) consisting of a set of edge
   nodes interconnected by the tunnels, such as IPsec tunnels and MPLS
   VPN tunnels.

MB> s/by the tunnels / by tunnels

   This document assumes that an SDWAN VPN configuration on a PE
   follows the same way as MPLS VPN, i.e., via VRFs. One SDWAN VPN can
   be mapped to one or multiple virtual topologies governed by the
   SDWAN controller's policies.

   When using BGP for SDWAN, the Client Route UPDATE is the same as
   MPLS VPN. Route Target in the BGP Extended Community can be used to
   differentiate routes belonging to different SDWAN VPNs.

MB> Missing 'the' and plural in the above paragraph.

   As SDWAN is an overlay network arching over multiple types of
   networks, MPLS L2VPN/L3VPN or pure L2 underlay can continue using
   the VPN ID, VN-ID, or VLAN in the data plane to differentiate
   packets belonging to different SDWAN VPNs. For packets carried by an
   IPsec tunnel, the IPsec's inner encapsulation header can have the

MB> s/IPsec's / IPsec tunnel's

   SDWAN VPN Identifier to distinguish the packets belonging to
   different SDWAN VPNs.

3.1.2. Client Service Requirement

   The Client interface of SDWAN edges can be IP or Ethernet-based.

MB> s/Client/client

   For Ethernet-based client interfaces, SDWAN edge should support
   VLAN-based service interfaces (EVI100), VLAN bundle service
   interfaces (EVI200), or VLAN-Aware bundling service interfaces. EVPN
   service requirements apply to the Client traffic, as described in
   Section 3.1 of RFC8388.

MB> s/to the Client / to client

   For IP-based client interfaces, L3VPN service requirements are

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3.1.3. SDWAN Traffic Segmentation

   SDWAN Traffic Segmentation enables the separation of the traffic
   based on the business and the security needs of different user
   groups and/or application requirements. Each user group and/or
   application may need different isolated topologies and/or policies
   to fulfill the business requirements.

   For example, a retail business requires the point-of-sales (PoS)
   application to be on a different topology from other applications.
   The PoS application is routed only to the payment processing entity
   at a hub site; other applications can be routed to all other sites.

   The traffic from the PoS application follows a Tree topology in the

MB> s/Tree/tree

   figure below, whereas other traffic can be multipoint-to-multipoint

MB> can follow a multipoint-to-multipoint...

              Payment traffic |Payment |
                +------+----+-+gateway +------+----+-----+
               /      /     | +----+---+      |     \     \
              /      /      |      |          |      \     \
           +-+--+  +-+--+  +-+--+  |   +-+--+  +-+--+  +-+--+
           |Site|  |Site|  |Site|  |   |Site|  |Site|  |Site|
           | 1  |  |  2 |  | 3  |  |   |4   |  |  5 |  | 6  |
           +--+-+  +--+-+  +--|-+  |   +--|-+  +--|-+  +--|-+
              |       |       |    |      |       |       |
            Multi-point connection for non-payment traffic

   Another example is an enterprise that wants to isolate the traffic
   from different departments, with each department having its unique
   topology and policy. The HR department may need to access specific
   applications that are NOT accessible by the engineering department.

MB> s/NOT/not

   Also, the contractors may have limited access to the enterprise

MB> s/ the contractors / contractors

3.1.4. Zero Touch Provisioning

   SDWAN zero-tour provisioning (ZTP) allows devices to be configured

mb> s/ zero-tour / zero-touch

   and provisioned centrally. When an SDWAN edge is installed at a
   remote location, ZTP automates follow-up steps, including updates to
   the OS, software version, and configuration before client traffic
   being forwarded. The ZTP can bootstrap a remote SDWAN edge and

MB> s/being / is

   establish a secure connection to the local SDWAN Controller, making

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   it convenient to add or delete an SDWAN edge node (virtual or
   physical). From the network control perspective, ZTP includes the

     -   Upon power-up, an SDWAN edge can establish the transport layer
     secure connection (such as TLS, SSL, etc.) to its controller,
     whose address can be burned or preconfigured on the device.

     -   The SDWAN Controller can designate a local network controller
     in the proximity of the SDWAN edge. Like the Route-Reflector (RR)
     for BGP-controlled SDWAN, the local network controller manages and
     monitors the communication policies for traffic to/from the edge

3.1.5. Constrained Propagation of SDWAN Edge Properties

   One SDWAN edge node may only be authorized to communicate with a
   small number of other SDWAN edge nodes. Under this circumstance, the
   property of the SDWAN edge node cannot be propagated to other nodes
   that are not authorized to communicate. But a remote SDWAN edge
   node, upon powering up, might not have the right policies to know
   which peers are authorized to communicate. Therefore, SDWAN
   deployment needs to have a central point to distribute the
   properties of an SDWAN edge node to its authorized peers.

   BGP is well suited for this purpose. RFC4684 has specified the
   procedure to constrain the distribution of BGP UPDATE to only a
   subset of nodes. Each edge node informs the Route-Reflector (RR)
   [RFC4456] on its interested SDWAN VPNs. The RR only propagates the
   BGP UPDATE for the relevant SDWAN VPNs to the edge.

   The connection between an SDWAN edge and its RR can be over an
   insecure network. Therefore, an SDWAN edge must establish a secure
   transport layer connection (TLS, SSL, etc.) to its designated RR
   upon power-up. The BGP UPDATE messages need to be sent over the
   secure channel (TLS, SSL, etc.) to the RR.

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                 Peer Group 1 |RR |   Peer Group 2
                +======+====+=+   +======+====+=====+
               /      /     | +---+      |     \     \
              /      /      |            |      \     \
           +-+--+  +-+--+  +-+--+      +-+--+  +-+--+  +-+--+
           |C-PE|  |C-PE|  |C-PE|      |C-PE|  |C-PE|  |C-PE|
           | 1  |  |  2 |  | 3  |      |4   |  |  5 |  | 6  |
           +----+  +----+  +----+      +----+  +----+  +----+
                Tenant 1                   Tenant 2
          Figure 1: Peer Groups managed by RR

   Tenant separation is achieved by the SDWAN VPN identifiers
   represented in the control plane and data plane, respectively.

3.2. Scenario #1: Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN

   Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN refers to a type of SDWAN network with
   edge nodes encrypting all traffic over WAN to other edge nodes,

MB> s/WAN/the WAN

   regardless of whether the underlay is private or public. For lack of
   better terminology, we call this Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN
   throughout this document.

   Here are some typical scenarios for the using Homogeneous

MB> s/for the using / for using

   -  A small branch office to connect to its HQ offices via the
   Internet. All sensitive traffic to/from this small branch office
   must be encrypted, usually achieved by IPsec Tunnels.

MB> can you add a reference for IPsec tunnels?

   -  A store in a shopping mall may need to securely connect to its
   applications in one or more Cloud DCs via the Internet. A common way
   of achieving this is to establish IPsec SAs to the Cloud DC gateway
   to carry the sensitive data to/from the store.

   As described in [SECURE-EVPN], the granularity of the IPsec SAs for
   Homogeneous Encryption can be per site, per subnet, per tenant, or
   per address. Once the IPsec SA is established for a specific
   subnet/tenant/site, all traffic to/from the subnets/tenants/site is

MB> s / subnets/tenants/site / subnet/tenant/site

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                        +--------------|RR |------------+
                       /  Untrusted    +-+-+             \
                      /                                   \
                     /                                     \
          +----+  +---------+                             +------+  +----+
          | CN3|--|         P1-----+ -------------+------ P1     |--| CN3|
          +----+  | C-PE1   P2-----+              |       | C-PE2|  +----+
          +----+  |         P3-----+     Wide     +------ P2     |  +----+
          | CN2|--|         |      |     area     +------ P3     |--| CN1|
          +-+--+  +---------+      |   network    |       +------+  +-+--+
             \                     |              |                  /
              \   +---------+      | all packets  |       +------+  /
               +--|         P1-----+ encrypted    +------ P1     |-+
                  | C-PE3   P2-----+     by       |       | C-PE4|
          +----+  |         P3-----+ IPsec SAs    +------ P2     |  +----+
          | CN1|--|         P4-----+--------------+       |      |--| CN2|
          +----+  +---------+                             +------+  +----+

          CN: Client Networks, which is same as Tenant Networks used by NVo3

                 Figure 2: Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN

   One of the properties of Homogeneous Encryption is that the SDWAN
   Local Network Controller, e.g., RR in BGP-controlled SDWAN, might be
   connected to C-PEs via an untrusted public network, therefore,
   requiring a secure connection between RR and C-PEs (TLS, DTLS,

   Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN has some properties similar to the
   commonly deployed IPsec VPN, albeit the IPsec VPN is usually point-
   to-point among a small number of nodes and with heavy manual
   configuration for IPsec between nodes. In contrast, an SDWAN network
   can have many edge nodes and a central controller to manage the
   configurations on the edge nodes.

   Existing Private VPNs (e.g., MPLS based) can use Homogeneous

MB> s/Private / private

   Encrypted SDWAN to extend over the public network to remote sites to
   which the VPN operator does not own or lease infrastructural
   connectivity, as described in [SECURE-EVPN] and [SECURE-L3VPN]

3.3. Scenario #2: Differential Encrypted SDWAN

   The Differential Encrypted SDWAN refers to an SDWAN network in which
   traffic over the existing VPN is forwarded natively without
   encryption, and the traffic over the Public Internet is encrypted.
   Differential Encrypted SDWAN is over hybrid private VPN and public
   Internet underlays. Since IPsec requires additional processing power

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   and the encrypted traffic over the Internet does not have the
   premium SLA commonly offered by Private VPNs, especially over a long
   distance, it is more desirable for traffic over a private VPN to be
   forwarded without encryption.

   One C-PE might have the Internet-facing WAN ports managed by
   different ISPs/NSPs with the WAN ports' addresses assigned by the
   corresponding ISPs/NSPs. Clients might have policies to specify:

   1) Some flows can only be forwarded over private VPNs.
   2) Some flows can be forwarded over either private VPNs or the public
     Internet. The packets over the public Internet are encrypted.
   3) Some flows, especially Internet-bound browsing ones, can be handed
     off to the Internet without any encryption.

   Suppose a flow traversing multiple segments, such as A<->B<->C<->D,
   has Policy 2) above. The flow can cross different underlays in
   different segments, such as over Private underlay between A<->B
   without encryption or over the public Internet between B<->C
   protected by an IPsec SA.

   As shown in the figure below, C-PE-1 has two different types of
   interfaces (A1 to Internet and A2 & A3 to VPN). The C-PE's loopback
   address and the attached client addresses may or may not be visible
   to the ISPs/NSPs. The WAN ports' addresses can be allocated by the
   service providers or dynamically assigned (e.g., by DHCP).

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                        +--------------|RR |----------+
                       /  Untrusted    +-+-+           \
                      /                                 \
                     /                                   \
     +----+  +---------+  packets encrypted over     +------+  +----+
     | CN3|--|         A1-----+ Untrusted    +------ B1     |--| CN1|
     +----+  | C-PE1   A2-\                          | C-PE2|  +----+
     +----+  |         A3--+--+              +---+---B2     |  +----+
     | CN2|--|         |   |PE+--------------+PE |---B3     |--| CN3|
     +----+  +---------+   +--+   trusted    +---+   +------+  +----+
                              |      WAN     |
     +----+  +---------+   +--+   packets    +---+   +------+  +----+
     | CN1|--|         C1--|PE| go natively  |PE |-- D1     |--| CN1|
     +----+  | C-PE3   C2--+--+ without encry+---+   | C-PE4|  +----+
             |         |      +--------------+       |      |
             |         |                             |      |
     +----+  |         |      without encrypt over   |      |  +----+
     | CN2|--|         C3--+---- Untrusted  --+------D2     |--| CN2|
     +----+  +---------+                             +------+  +----+

     CN: Client Network
                 Figure 3: SDWAN with Hybrid Underlays

     Also, the connection between C-PEs and their Controller (RR) might
     be via the untrusted public network. It is necessary to encrypt
     the communication between RR and C-PEs, by TLS, DTLS, etc.

     There could be multiple SDWAN edges (C-PEs) sharing common
     property, such as a geographic location. Some applications over
     SDWAN may need to traverse specific geographic areas for various
     reasons, such as to comply with regulatory rules, to utilize
     specific value-added services, or others.

     Services may not be congruent, i.e., the packets from A-> B may
     traverse one underlay network, and the packets from B -> A may go
     over a different underlay.

3.4. Scenario #3: Private VPN PE based SDWAN

   This scenario refers to the existing VPN (e.g., EVPN or IPVPN) being
   expanded by adding extra ports facing the untrusted Internet for PEs
   to offload low-priority traffic when the VPN paths are congested.

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   Throughout this document, this scenario is also called Internet
   Offload for Private VPN, or PE-based SDWAN.

   Here are some differences from the Hybrid Underlay scenario (Section

       - For MPLS-based VPN, PEs would have MPLS as payload
          encapsulated within the IPsec tunnel egressing the Internet
          WAN ports, MPLS-in-IP/GRE-in-IPsec.
       - The BGP RR is connected to PEs in the same way as VPN, i.e.,
          via the trusted network.

   The PE-based SDWAN can be used by VPN service providers to
   temporarily increase bandwidth between sites when not sure if the
   demand will sustain for an extended period or as a temporary
   solution before the permanent infrastructure is built or leased.

                         //        +---+
                        //          ^
                       //           || VPN
                      //     VPN    v
                      ++--+        ++-+       +---+
                      |PE1| <====> |RR| <===> |PE3|
                      +-+-+        +--+       +-+-+
                        |                       |
                        +--- Public Internet -- +

          Figure 4: Additional Internet paths added to the VPN

4. Provisioning Model

4.1. Client Service Provisioning Model

   Client service provisioning can follow the same approach as MPLS
   VRFs. A client VPN can establish the communication policy by
   specifying the Route Targets to be imported and exported.
   Alternatively, traditional Match and Action ACLs can identify the
   specific routes allowed or denied to or from the client VPN.

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   When an SDWAN edge node is dedicated to one client with one virtual
   network, all the prefixes attached to the client port(s) of the edge
   node can be considered in one VRF, and the RR can manage the
   policies for import/export of the VRF.

4.2. Policy Configuration

   One of the characteristics of an SDWAN service is that packets can
   be forwarded over multiple types of underlays. Policies are needed
   to govern which underlay paths can carry an application flow, as
   described by Section 8 of MEF70.1. An Application Flow consists of
   packets that match specific criteria. For example, client-prefix-x
   can only be mapped to MPLS topology.

4.3. IPsec related parameters Provisioning

   For the IPsec tunnel to be established, the SDWAN edge nodes need to
   support the common IPsec encryption algorithms (DES, 3DES, or AES),
   the hash algorithm (SHA or MD5), and the DH groups. Each SDWAN edge

MB> The above statement is not very clear. Is this a MUST to all, or are these 
examples? Also please add references.

   node can have the default supported values for those attributes or
   get the attributes from its controller to minimize the
   configuration. For BGP-controlled SDWAN, BGP UPDATE messages can
   propagate each node's IPsec-related attribute values for peers to
   choose the common values supported, which is traditionally done by
   IPsec IKEv2.

5. BGP Controlled SDWAN

5.1. BGP Walk Through for Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN

   For the BGP-controlled Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN, a C-PE can
   advertise its attached client routes and the properties of the IPsec
   SA in one BGP UPDATE message.

   In the Figure below, the BGP UPDATE message from C-PE2 to RR can
   have the client routes encoded in the MP-NLRI Path Attribute and the
   IPsec Tunnel associated information encoded in the Tunnel-Encap
   [RFC9012] Path Attributes as described in the [SECURE-EVPN].

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                        +---------|RR |----------+
                       / Untrusted+---+           \
                      /                            \
                C-PE1/                              \
             +---------+                       +------+
           --+---+--------------------------------->  |-10.1.x.x/16
             |  /      |                       |C-PE2 |- VLAN = 15
             | /       |                     +----->  |
           --|/ |                     | |      |-12.1.1.x/24
             +---------+                     | +------+
               C-PE3                         |
             +---------+                     |
             |  /      |
             | /       |
           --|/ |
                 Figure 5: Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN

   Alternatively, the C-PE2 can use two separate BGP UPDATE messages to
   reduce the size of the BGP UPDATE messages, as IPsec SA tunnels have
   many attributes and IPsec SA keys periodical changes occur at
   different frequency than the clients' routes updates.

   As described by Section 4 and 8 of [RFC9012], UPDATE U1 has its
   Nexthop to the node loopback address and is reclusively resolved to

MB> s/reclusively / recursively

   the IPsec SA tunnel detailed attributes advertised by the UPDATE U2
   for the Node Loopback address.

   Here are the details of the UPDATE messages:

     - Suppose that a given packet P destined towards the client
       addresses attached to C-PE2 (e.g., prefix 10.1.x.x/16) can be
       carried by any IPsec tunnels terminated at C-PE2.
     - The path along which P is to be forwarded is determined by BGP
       UPDATE U1.
     - UPDATE U1 does not have a Tunnel Encapsulation attribute.
     - UPDATE U1 can include the Encapsulation Extended Community with
       the option to have the Color Extended Community.
     - The address of the next-hop of UPDATE U1 is router C-PE2.
     - UPDATE U2 has a Tunnel Encapsulation attribute to describe the
       IPsec SA detailed attributes.

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     - MP-NLRI Path Attribute:
     - Nexthop: (C-PE2)
     - Encapsulation Extended Community: TYPE = IPsec

     - MP-NLRI Path Attribute: (C-PE2)
     - Tunnel Encapsulation Path Attributes (as described in the
     [SECURE-EVPN]) for IPsec SA detailed attributes, including the WAN
     address to be used as the IP address of the IPsec encrypted

   If different client routes attached to C-PE2 need to be reached by
   separate IPsec tunnels, the Color-Extended-Community [RFC9012] is
   used to associate routes with the tunnels. See Section 8 of

   Suppose C-PE2 does not have a policy on the authorized peers for the
   specific client routes. Then, RR needs to check the client routes
   policies to constrain the BGP UPDATE messages propagation only to
   the remote authorized edge nodes.

5.2. BGP Walk Through for Differential Encrypted SDWAN

   In this scenario, some client routes can be forwarded over any one
   of the tunnels terminating at the edge node. Some client routes can
   only be forwarded over specific tunnels (such as only MPLS VPN).

   An edge node can use the Color Extended Community (Section 4 & 8 of
   [RFC9012]) in its BGP UPDATE message to associate the client routes
   with the specific tunnels.

   For example, in Figure 5 above, suppose that Route 10.1.x.x/16 can
   be carried by either MPLS or IPsec and Route 12.1.1.x/24 can only be
   carried by MPLS; C-PE2 can use the following UPDATE messages:

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   UPDATE #1a for Route Route 10.1.x.x/16:

     - MP-NLRI Path Attribute:
         Nexthop: (C-PE2)
     - Encapsulation Extended Community: TYPE = SDWAN-Hybrid
     - Color Extended Community: RED

   UPDATE #1b for Route Route 12.1.1.x/24:
     - MP-NLRI Path Attribute:
         Nexthop: (C-PE2)
     - Encapsulation Extended Community: TYPE = MPLS-in-GRE
     - Color Extended Community: YELLOW

   UPDATE #2a: for IPsec tunnels terminated at the node:
     - MP-NLRI Path Attribute: (C-PE2)
     - Tunnel Encapsulation Path Attributes: TYPE=SDWAN-Hybrid
      Including the information about the WAN ports for receiving IPsec
      encrypted packets, the IPsec properties, etc.
     - Color Extended Community: RED

   UPDATE #2b: for MPLS-in-GRE terminated at the node:
     - MP-NLRI Path Attribute: (C-PE2)
     - Tunnel Encapsulation Path Attributes: TYPE=SDWAN-Hybrid
     - Color Extended Community: YELLOW

   SDWAN-Hybrid Tunnel Type is specified by [SDWAN-EDGE-Discovery].

5.3. BGP Walk Through for Application Flow-Based Segmentation

   Suppose the application flow can be identified by the source or
   destination IP addresses. In that case, constraining the BGP UPDATE
   messages for the application only to the nodes that meet the
   criteria of the application flow can achieve the Application Flow-
   based Segmentation described in Section 3.1.2. In the Figure below,
   the following BGP Updates can be advertised to ensure that the
   Payment Application only communicates with the Payment Gateway:

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   BGP UPDATE #1a from C-PE2 to RR for the P2P topology that is only
   propagated to Payment GW node:

   UPDATE #1a (only to the Payment GW node):

      - MP-NLRI Path Attribute:
            - 30.1.1.x/24
            - Nexthop:
      - Encapsulation extended community: TYPE = IPsec
      - Color Extended Community: BLUE

   BGP UPDATE #1b from C-PE2 to RR for the routes to be reached by C-
   PE1 and C-PE2:

      - MP-NLRI Path Attribute:
            - 10.1.x.x
            - 12.4.x.x
            - Nexthop:
       - Encapsulation extended community: TYPE =IPsec
       - Color Extended Community: RED

   BGP UPDATE #2 describes the detailed IPsec attributes for IPsec
   tunnels terminated at C-PE2

   UPDATE #2a: for all IPsec SAs terminated at the node:
     - MP-NLRI Path Attribute: (C-PE2)
     - Tunnel Encapsulation Path Attributes: TYPE=IPsec (for all IPsec
     - Color Extended Community: RED

   UPDATE #2b: for the IPsec SA to the Payment Gateway:
     - MP-NLRI Path Attribute: (C-PE2)
     - Tunnel Encapsulation Path Attributes: TYPE=IPsec (for the IPsec
     SA to Payment GW).
     - Color Extended Community: Blue

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                        +-------->|  GW   |<-------+
                       /Hub-spoke +-------+         \
                      /for Payment App               \
               C-PE1 /                                \ C-PE2
             +------/--+                          +----\-+
           --|-----/   |                          |     -|- 30.1.1.x/24
             + --------------------------------------->  |-10.1.x.x/16
             |         |                          |      |-
             |         |                 +------------>  |- 12.1.1.x/24
           --|---------------------------+        |      |
             +---------+                       +------>  |- VLAN=25;
                                              /   +------+  22.1.1.x/24
             +---------+                     /
           --| -----------------------------+
             | C-PE3   |                   /
             |         |                  /
           --| --------------------------+
               Figure 6: Application Based SDWAN Segmentation

MB> The ASCII art is a bit unclear. Can you add some labels to the lines/arrows?

5.4. Benefit of Using Recursive Next Hop Resolution

   Using the Recursive Next Hop Resolution described in Section 8 of
   [RFC9012], the clients' routes UPDATE messages become very compact,
   and any changes of the underlay network tunnels attributes can be
   advertised without client route update. This method is handy when
   the underlay tunnels are IPsec based, which requires periodic
   message exchange for the pairwise re-keying process.

5.5. Why BGP as Control Plane for SDWAN?

MB> This section looks like nan afterthought, but you are talking about using 
BGP throughout section 5. Can you rephrase it and use it as intro text to 
Section 5?

   For an SDWAN network with a small number of nodes, the traditional
   hub & spoke model utilizing NHRP or DSVPN/DMVPN protocol had worked
   reasonably well. DSVPN/DMVPN has a hub node (or controller) managing
   the edge nodes, including local & public addresses and tunnel
   identifiers mapping. However, for a sizeable SDWAN network, say more
   than 100 nodes with different underlays, the traditional approach
   becomes very messy, complex, and error prone.

   Here are some of the compelling reasons for using BGP:

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   -  Simplified peer authentication process:

     With a secure management channel established between an edge node
     and RR, RR can perform peer authentication on behalf of the edge
     node. Not only RR has policies on peer communication, but RR also
     has the built-in capability to constrain the propagation of the
     UPDATE messages to the authorized edge nodes [RFC4684].

   - Scalable IPsec tunnel management

     When multiple IPsec tunnels are established between two pairwise
     edge nodes, BGP Tunnel Attribute Update can associate multiple
     IPsec tunnels with the client routes. In traditional IPsec VPN,
     separate routing protocols must run in parallel in each IPsec
     Tunnel if the client routes can be load shared among the IPsec

   - Simplified IPsec tunnel traffic selection configurations

     The IPsec tunnel's traffic selector or admission control can be
     inherently realized by specifying importing/exporting the Route
     Targets representing the SDWAN VPNs.

6. SDWAN Forwarding Model

   This section describes how client traffic is forwarded in BGP
   Controlled SDWAN for the use cases described in Section 3.

   The procedures described in Section 6 of RFC8388 are applicable for
   the SDWAN client traffic. Like the BGP-based VPN/EVPN client routes
   UPDATE message, Route Target can distinguish routes from different

6.1. Forwarding Model for Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN

6.1.1. Network and Service Startup Procedures

   A single IPsec security association (SA) protects data in one
   direction. Under the Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN Scenario, two SAs
   must be present to secure traffic in both directions between two C-
   PE nodes, two client ports, or two prefixes. Using Figure 2 of
   Section 3.2 as an example, for client CN2 attached to C-PE1, C-PE3,
   and C-PE4 to have full-mesh connection, six one-directional IPsec
   SAs must be established: C-PE1 <-> C-PE3; C-PE1 <-> C-PE4; C-PE3 <->

   SDWAN services to clients can be IP-based or Ethernet-based. An
   SDWAN edge can learn client routes from the client-facing ports via

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   OSPF, RIP, BGP, or static configuration for its IP-based services.
   For Layer-2 SDWAN services, the relevant EVPN parameters, such as
   the ESI (Ethernet Segment Identifier), EVI, and CE-VID to EVI
   mapping, can be configured similarly to EVPN described in RFC8388.

   Instead of running IGP within each IPsec tunnel as done by the
   traditional IPsec VPN, BGP UPDATE messages propagate the client
   routes attached to SDWAN edge nodes.

   In addition, BGP-RR (SDWAN Controller) facilitates the IPsec SA
   establishment and rekey management described in [SECURE-EVPN]. The
   Controller manages how clients' routes are associated with
   individual IPsec SA. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to
   manually configure the IPsec tunnel's endpoint addresses on each
   SDWAN edge node and set up policies for the allowed client prefixes.

6.1.2. Packet Walk-Through

   For an IPsec SA terminated at a C-PE node, multiple client routes
   can be multiplexed in the IPsec SA (or tunnel). Traffic to the
   client prefixes is encapsulated in an inner tunnel, such as GRE or
   VxLAN, carried by the IPsec SA ESP tunnel. Different client traffic
   can be differentiated by a unique value in the inner encapsulation
   key or ID field.

   For unicast packets forwarding:

     The C-PE node address (or loopback address) acts as the Next Hop
     address for the prefixes attached to the C-PE nodes.

     C-PE Node-based IPsec tunnel is inherently protected when the C-PE
     has multiple WAN ports to different underlay paths. As shown in
     Figure 2, when one of the underlay paths fails, the IPsec traffic
     can be forwarded to or received from a different physical port.

     When a C-PE receives a packet from its client port, the packet is
     encapsulated inside the IPsec SA, whose destination address
     matches the Next Hop address of the packet's destination and
     forwarded to the target C-PE.

     When a C-PE receives an IPsec encrypted packet from its WAN ports,
     it decrypts the packet and forwards the inner packet to the client
     port based on the inner packet's destination address.

   For multicast packets forwarding:

     IPsec was created to be a security protocol between two and only
     two devices, so multicast service using IPsec is problematic. An

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     IPsec peer encrypts a packet so that only one other IPsec peer can
     successfully perform the de-encryption. A straight way to forward
     a multicast packet for the Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN is to
     encapsulate the multicast packet in separate unicast IPsec SA
     tunnels. More optimized forwarding multicast packets for the
     Homogeneous Encrypted SDWAN is out of the scope of this document.

6.2. Forwarding Model for Hybrid Underlay SDWAN

   In this scenario, as shown in Figure 3 of Section 3.3, traffic
   forwarded over the trusted VPN paths can be native (i.e.,
   unencrypted). The traffic forwarded over untrusted networks need to
   be protected by IPsec SA.

6.2.1. Network and Service Startup Procedures

   Infrastructure setup: The proper MPLS infrastructure must be set up
   among the edge nodes, i.e., the C-PE1/C-PE2/C-PE3/C-PE4 of Figure 3.
   The IPsec SA between WAN ports or nodes must be set up as well.
   IPsec SA related attributes on edge nodes can be distributed by BGP
   UPDATE messages as described in Section 5.

   There could be policies governing how flows can be forwarded, as
   specified by MEF70.1.  For example, "Private-only" indicates that
   the flows can only traverse the MPLS VPN underlay paths.

6.2.2. Packet Walk-Through

   For unicast packets forwarding:

     Upon receiving a packet from a client port, if the packet belongs
     to a flow that can only be forwarded over the MPLS VPN, the
     forwarding processing is the same as the MPLS VPN. Otherwise, the
     C-PE node can make the local decision in choosing the least cost
     path, including the prior established MPLS paths and IPsec
     Tunnels, to forward the packet. Packets forwarded over the trusted
     MPLS VPN can be native without any additional encryption, while
     the packets sent over the untrusted networks need to be encrypted
     by IPsec SA.

     For a C-PE with multiple WAN ports provided by different ISPs,
     separate IPsec SAs can be established for the different WAN ports.
     In this case, the C-PE have multiple IPsec tunnels in addition to
     the MPLS path to choose from to forward the packets from the
     client ports.

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     If the IPsec SA is chosen, the packet is encapsulated by the IPsec
     inner packet header and encrypted by the IPsec SA before
     forwarding to the WAN.

     For packets received from a MPLS path, processing is the same as
     MPLS VPN.

     For IPsec SA encrypted packets received from the WAN ports, the
     packets are decrypted, and the inner payload is decapsulated and
     forward per the forwarding table of the C-PE. For all packets from
     the Internet-facing WAN ports, the additional anti-DDoS mechanism
     has to be enabled to prevent potential attacks from the Internet-
     facing ports. Control Plane should not learn routes from the
     Internet-facing WAN ports.

                        +--------------|RR |----------+
                       /               +-+-+           \
                      /                                 \
                     /                                   \
     +----+  +---------+  packets encrypted over     +--------+  +----+
     | CN3|--|         A1-----+ Untrusted    +------ B1       |--| CN1|
     +----+  | C-PE-a  A2-----+              +-------B2 C-PE-b|  +----+
             | |                             ||
     +----+  |         |   +--+              +---+   |        |  +----+
     | CN2|--|         A3  |PE+--------------+PE |---B3       |--| CN3|
     +----+  +---------+   +--+   trusted    +---+   +--------+  +----+
                              |     VPN      |
          Figure 8: SDWAN with Hybrid Underlays

   For multicast packets forwarding:

     For multicast traffic, MPLS multicast [RFC6513, RFC6514, or
     RFC7988] can be used to forward multicast traffic.

     If IPsec tunnels are chosen for a multicast packet, the packet is
     encapsulated and encrypted by multiple separate IPsec tunnels to
     the desired destinations.

6.3. Forwarding Model for PE based SDWAN

6.3.1. Network and Service Startup Procedures

   In this scenario, all PEs have secure interfaces facing the clients
   and facing the MPLS backbone, with some PEs having extra connections

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   by untrusted public Internet. The public Internet paths are for
   offloading low priority traffic when the MPLS paths get congested.
   The PEs are already connected to their RRs, and the configurations
   for the clients and policies are already established.

6.3.2. Packet Walk-Through

   For PEs to offload some MPLS packets to the Internet path, each MPLS
   packet is wrapped by an outer IP header as MPLS-in-IP or MPLS-in-GRE
   [RFC4023]. The outer IP address can be an interface address or the
   PE's loopback address.

   When IPsec Tunnel mode is used to protect an MPLS-in-IP packet, the
   entire MPLS-in-IP packet is placed after the IPsec tunnel header.

   When IPsec transport mode is used to protect the MPLS packet, the
   MPLS-in-IP packet's IP header becomes the outer IP header of the
   IPsec packet, followed by an IPsec header, and then followed by the
   MPLS label stack. The IPsec header must set the payload type to MPLS
   by using the IP protocol number specified in section 3 of RFC4023.

   If IPsec transport mode is applied to an MPLS-in-GRE packet, the GRE
   header follows the IPsec header.

   The IPsec SA's endpoints should not be the client-facing interface
   addresses unless the traffic to/from those clients always goes
   through the IPsec SA even when the MPLS backbone has enough capacity
   to transport the traffic.

   When the PEs' Internet-facing ports are behind the NAT [RFC3715], an
   outer UDP field can be added outside the encrypted payload
   [RFC3948]. Three UDP ports must be open on the PEs: UDP port 4500
   (used for NAT traversal), UDP port 500 (used for IKE), and IP
   protocol 50 (ESP). IPsec IKE (Internet Key Exchange) between the two
   PEs would be over the NAT [RFC3947] as well.

   Upon receiving a packet from a client port, the forwarding
   processing is the same as the MPLS VPN. If the MPLS backbone path to
   the destination is deemed congested, the IPsec tunnel towards the
   target PEs is used to encrypt the MPLS-in-IP packet.

   Upon receiving a packet from the Internet-facing WAN port, the
   packet is decrypted, and the inner MPLS payload is extracted to be
   sent to the MPLS VPN engine.

   Same as Scenario #2, the additional anti-DDoS mechanism must be
   enabled to prevent potential attacks from the Internet-facing port.

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   Control Plane should not learn routes from the Internet-facing WAN

7. Manageability Considerations

     BGP-controlled SDWAN utilizes the BGP RR to facilitate the routes
     and underlay properties distribution among the authorized edge
     nodes. With RR having the preconfigured policies about the
     authorized peers, the peer-wise authentications of the IPsec IKE
     (Internet Key Exchange) are significantly simplified.

8. Security Considerations

   Adding an Internet-facing WAN port to a C-PE can introduce the
   following security risks:

   1) Potential DDoS attacks from the Internet-facing ports.

   2) Potential risk of provider VPN network being injected with
   illegal traffic from the Internet-facing WAN ports.

   Therefore, the additional anti-DDoS mechanism must be enabled on all
   Internet-facing ports to prevent potential attacks from those ports.
   Control Plane should not learn any routes from the Internet-facing
   WAN ports.

9. IANA Considerations

       No Action is needed.

10. References

10.1. Normative References

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC4364] E. rosen, Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
             networks (VPNs)", Feb 2006.

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   [RFC7296] C. Kaufman, et al, "Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version
             2 (IKEv2)", Oct 2014.

   [RFC7432] A. Sajassi, et al, "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN", Feb

   [RFC8365] A. Sajassi, et al, "A network Virtualization Overlay
             Solution Using Ethernet VPN (EVPN)", March 2018.

   [RFC9012] K.Patel, et al "The BGP Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute",
             RFC9012, April 2021.

10.2. Informative References

   [RFC8192] S. Hares, et al, "Interface to Network Security Functions
             (I2NSF) Problem Statement and Use Cases", July 2017

   [RFC5521] P. Mohapatra, E. Rosen, "The BGP Encapsulation Subsequent
             Address Family Identifier (SAFI) and the BGP Tunnel
             Encapsulation Attribute", April 2009.

   [RFC8388] J. Rabadan, et al, "Usage and Applicability of BGP MPLS-
             Based Ethernet VPN", May 2018.

   [Net2Cloud-Gap] L. Dunbar, A. Malis, C. Jacquenet, "Gap Analysis of
             Interconnecting Underlay with Cloud Overlay", draft-dm-
             net2cloud-gap-analysis-02, work in progress, Oct. 2018.

   [SDWAN-EDGE-Discovery] L. Dunbar, S. Hares, R. Raszuk, K. Majumdar,
             "BGP UPDATE for SDWAN Edge Discovery", draft-ietf-idr-
             sdwan-edge-discovery-05, Aug 2022.

   [VPN-over-Internet] E. Rosen, "Provide Secure Layer L3VPNs over
             Public Infrastructure", draft-rosen-bess-secure-l3vpn-00,
             work-in-progress, July 2018

   [DMVPN] Dynamic Multi-point VPN:

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   [DSVPN] Dynamic Smart VPN:

   [SECURE-EVPN] A. Sajassi, et al, "Secure EVPN", draft-sajassi-bess-
             secure-evpn-01, Work-in-progress, March 2019.

   [SECURE-L3VPN] E. Rosen, R. Bonica, "Secure Layer L3VPN over Public
             Infrastructure", draft-rosen-bess-secure-l3vpn-00, Work-
             in-progress, June 2018.

   [ITU-T-X1036] ITU-T Recommendation X.1036, "Framework for creation,
             storage, distribution and enforcement of policies for
             network security", Nov 2007.

   [Net2Cloud-Problem] L. Dunbar and A. Malis, "Seamless Interconnect
             Underlay to Cloud Overlay Problem Statement", draft-rtgwg-
             net2cloud-problem-statement-12, March 2022

   [Net2Cloud-gap] L. Dunbar, A. Malis, and C. Jacquenet, "Gap Analysis
             of Interconnecting Underlay with Cloud Overlay", draft-
             rtgwg-net2cloud-gap-analysis-07, work-in-progress, July

11. Acknowledgments

   Acknowledgements to Adrian Farrel, Joel Halpern, John Scudder,
   Darren Dukes, Andy Malis, Donald Eastlake, and Victo Sheng for their
   review and contributions.

   This document was prepared using

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Authors' Addresses

   Linda Dunbar

   James Guichard

   Ali Sajassi

   John Drake

   Basil Najem
   Bell Canada

   David Carrel
   IPsec Research

   Ayan Banerjee

Dunbar, et al.          Expires July 29, 2023                 [Page 28]
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