I support the WG adoption with the following questions and comments:

-       Section 5: How is the IPsec Databases (SPD, SAD, and generating Keying 
material for IPsec SAs)  different from the traditional IPsec Data Base 
generation described in the RFC 4301? Can you please emphasize the differences?
-       Section 8 Second paragraph states that the Device-Controller trust 
model is using the peer-to-peer protocol such as IKEv2. If the devices are 
already support EVPN, are they already have trust connection to their 
corresponding controller? Can TLS be used for Devices to exchange BGP messages 
with the controller?
-       -  If a SA is required per pair of IP addresses on two separate PEs, 
why it is not enough to have the existing ESP tunnel mode encapsulation for the 
packet exchanged between the two PEs like the following?

      Outer IP header:
          |protocol = 50(IPsec ESP)   |
          |    src = source-PE        |
          |    dst = dest-PE          |
          +---------------------------+  < ----------+
          |SPI(Security Parameter Idx)|        Authenticated
          +---------------------------+              |
          |    sequence number        |              |
          +---------------------------+   <-+        |
          | payload IP header:        |     |        |
          |  src =  source-ip         |     |        |
          |  dst =  dest-ip           |     |        |
          +---------------------------+  Encrypted   |
          |   TCP header +            |     |        |
          ~    payload (variable)     ~     |        |
          |                           |     |        |
          +===========================+   <-+ -------+
          |   Authentication Data     |

 Is it necessary to have any outer tunnel header (other than the IPsec's ESP 
encapsulation) wrapping around the payload?


Thank you very much


> On May 25, 2023, at 5:35 AM, Matthew Bocci (Nokia) 
> <matthew.bo...@nokia.com<mailto:matthew.bo...@nokia.com>> wrote:
> Hello,
>  This email begins a two-week WG adoption poll for 
> draft-sajassi-bess-secure-evpn-06 [1].
> Please review the draft and post any comments to the BESS working group list.
>  We are also polling for knowledge of any undisclosed IPR that applies to 
> this document, to ensure that IPR has been disclosed in compliance with IETF 
> IPR rules (see RFCs 3979, 4879, 3669 and 5378 for more details).
> If you are listed as an author or a contributor of this document, please 
> respond to this email and indicate whether or not you are aware of any 
> relevant undisclosed IPR, copying the BESS mailing list. The document will 
> not progress without answers from all the authors and contributors.
> Currently, there is currently no IPR disclosure against this document.
> If you are not listed as an author or a contributor, then please explicitly 
> respond only if you are aware of any IPR that has not yet been disclosed in 
> conformance with IETF rules.
>  This poll for adoption closes on June 9th 2023  Regards, Matthew and
> Stephane  [1]
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