
I took a look at this document.

I agree that the use case presented should be addressed, but I don't think
the document is ready for WGLC, or even necessary (see below).  In fact,
I'm having a hard time understanding how it can progress if it depends on
an expired draft, the proposed changes are not specific, etc.

The meat of the document (beyond the explanation of the use case) is (from

   The new use-case mandates that the router calculates the aggregated
   link-bandwidth, regenerate the DMZ link bandwidth extended community,
   and advertise it to EBGP peers.

I-D.ietf-idr-link-bandwidth expired in 2018.  I have seen no indication
from the authors that it will be refreshed.  I know that implementations
exist, but that is orthogonal to the need to reference this document as

The rest of the document is mostly dedicated to describing the use case,
but the description of the actions is loose (at best); for example, there
is no specification about how "the router calculates the aggregated
link-bandwidth".  Yes, we can all guess/assume what it means, but that
needs to be documented.

Assuming that I-D.ietf-idr-link-bandwidth is revived, the use case from
this document could be covered there.  In fact, there is already a hint to
the ability to regenerate the community based on received information (from

   Alternatively CEs of the site, when advertising IP routes to PE1
   and PE2, could add the link bandwith community to these
   advertisements, in which case PE1 and PE2, when originating VPN-IP
   routes, would use the bandwidth value from the IP routes they
   received from the CEs to construct the link bandwidth community
   carried by these VPN-IP routes.

In summary, given that this document depends on
I-D.ietf-idr-link-bandwidth, I believe that the aggregate behavior can be
"merged" into it.


On May 25, 2023 at 5:43:55 AM, Matthew Bocci (Nokia) (
matthew.bo...@nokia.com) wrote:


The BESS chairs would like to request review of draft-ietf-bess-ebgp-dmz-02
(draft-ietf-bess-ebgp-dmz-02 - Cumulative DMZ Link Bandwidth and
load-balancing <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-bess-ebgp-dmz/>),
for which we are considering starting a working group last call.

Please could you review the draft and post any comment to the BESS mailing
list (bess@ietf.org) by 25th June 2023.


Matthew and Stephane
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