On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 10:08:19AM -0400, Jeffrey Haas wrote:
> ipvpn authors.

A small addendum:

The use of D-PATH Domain IDs for loop detection purposes are split in the

Section 4.d which defines D-PATH mentions two properties:
1. When a looped entry, having been received, may be considered for use even
when it is looped.
2. It MUST NOT be exported.

In traditional BGP-speak, it MAY be eligible circumstantially for selection
in the LocRib, but is ineligible for placement into the AdjRibsOut.

Section 6 covers the changes to route selection when D-PATH is present for
the different forms of ISF routes.  This parallels BGP's route selection
text in RFC 4271, Section 9.1.2.  However, BGP's section discusses the AS
loops as part of that section.

I'd recommend that a portion of the text relating to route selection and
loops be placed in the ipvpn document's section 6.  Having all of the rules
in a single place will likely avoid certain classes of implementation bugs
and will ease in citation of the rules for the future.

-- Jeff

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