On May 5, 2006, at 9:37 AM, jonmyatt wrote:

I'm seeing this too, gaps in the music drive me mad when using the web
interface for anything. I can see slimserver.pl using 99% CPU on my
linux server when this happens.

Processing TT templates can take some time, especially if they are complicated and have a lot of loops. I wonder if we could make our TT processing more friendly by using our own Template::Context or Template::Document subclass that throws in some calls to idleStreams. These are called once for each template, and since most/ all of our templates use a lot of wrappers, includes, processes, etc, this might help. Also, slow database queries resulting from web requests are also a problem (maybe even a bigger problem). The only way to solve this is to move DBI queries into another process so they don't block the main loop, ala POE's EasyDBI.

http://search.cpan.org/~abw/Template-Toolkit-2.14/lib/Template/Manual/ Internals.pod

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