Triode Wrote: 
> Is the long time for the first one repeatable?
> I don't every see a long time like this, but wonder whether this is
> just the first access.
> Could you set the high threshold for "Timer Task" and "Select Task" to
> 0.01 at the same time and post the output of a page build.  [reason is
> that for big pages, they can be interrupted by other tasks, so it may
> be these that are taking a long time]

I think that was probably just the first access as you suspect. Here's
the log for the time it took to build "all songs" with those warnings
turned on:

My squeezbeox was playing a song from my library at the time. It looks
like there are only a couple of database access warnings, and they
don't seem too bad.

I've hesitated to mention it before (as I realise this is alpha
software, and I don't want to be seen as a general whinger!), but the
remote to squeezebox response can sometimes be very poor (almost
unuseable), even when the server isn't building any web pages.

Thanks again for ongoing help & patience,


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