Dan Sully wrote:

Ron - are you running on svn?

Thanks Dan.

I'm not on svn, but will try it out from the nightlies (though not likely to happen before early next week) and report back.

Given that we're on mySQL now, I may even be able to pitch in with some performance tuning work. I am a decently able hand with the SQL.

Reading things like the following make me realize that there may be some big gains to be had in hacking at this from a mySQL-specific performance standpoint. <http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2006/08/10/using-union-to-implement-loose-index-scan-to-mysql/>

I should be able to get the raw SQL queries out of the d_sql logs, no?

Does running some of these queries interactively and messing around with the SQL logic, indexing, etc. sound like an approach reasonably likely to bear fruit?

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