erland;224857 Wrote: 
> Today I installed the latest svn version of 7.0 and tested this skin
> again. Some comments and suggestions follows.

Erland, I think you make some great points.

> If we at least could get rid of the white border around the whole
> interface.

That really should go.  It's sole purpose seems to be so someoone can
show off those nifty rounded corners on the page.

> I really like the blue colors, but my feeling is that the interface
> still feels a bit old.
Fundamentally, it's still the same interface, although it feels more
awkward.  Everything is "bigger", like running the Nokia skin on a
full-sized display, or a web interface you might find on a site
designed for children with limited motor skills.

> When moving around with the mouse over the items that get highlighted I
> have a bit hard time to know where on the selected item I can click to
> get to different pages.
Yes.  If the links within a larger clickable area link to a different
page, then they need to change appearance on mouseover.  Bold was
tried, but it doesn't work, so either color highlighting or underlining
should be tried.

> On the album page I've always felt that there is a wasted screen space
> on the right of the album cover. In the Custom Browse plugin I use this
> to show additional information about the album. It would be great if the
> default skin also could use this screen space for something useful.
Ding!  It would be great if _all_ skins could display album information
in this unused space.

I might have to give your plugin another whirl if it improves the
usability of such simple things in the interface.

> Maybe it would be possible to create a cover art gallery page with the
> small thumbnails but without the text. By doing this I suspect that it
> would be possible to show at least 8x8 album covers on the same page.
I would find this unusable, but others have said in the past that they
prefer the gallery without text.

To get more thumbs on the page, which is desirable for many of us,
getting rid of all the empty space is key.

Still the biggest shortcoming of the Classic skin is the lack of
ability to resize the browse pane, so that the gallery can be better
utilized.  It would be a shame to produce a new skin with the same

> The menu where you selects sorting and album cover size looks really
> great. Maybe this could be used also for other things.
I agree.  You can do a lot with these menus in very little screen real
estate.  Variations on this could be used for many of the controls,
particularly the Volume.  I'd probably prefer that it "open" on
mouseover rather than requiring a click.

> Michael, at last I just want to say that it's really great that you have
> chosen to get user feedback this way. Often one just get to see the
> finished result, but this way people actually have the chance to
> comment while there still is time to do changes.
> So keep up the good work.
Couldn't agree more.


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