Last week I installed SC7.0 in order to try the new skin out.  I didn't like it 
much then.

However, this weekend I updated to the latest version, and spent a couple of 
hours testing features I tend to use the most, and visiting some new bits to 
get a feel for the stability of this release.

I have raised quite a few bugs, but they are all fairly minor things that don't 
really detract from the good experience that I have had.  SC7 feels pretty good 
now, and I am beginning to like the new skin too (although it still seems to 
have a tad too much spacing at times, so I tend to run it in a bigger window).  
Good job guys.

There are a lot of changes going in daily, but stability seems to be at least 
on a par with the previous release already.  All I need is some of my favourite 
plugins to be upgraded, and I'll be happy.

I ought to update my own plugin (Playlist Manager), but it may not happen too 
soon, because my wife is due to give birth to our first child real soon now.

Is there a guide to making the upgrade changes for plugin developers?

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