RE: SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0 - 15007 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252 - just
after thanksgiving nightly

Overall, I like it - good job so far!  At first I was thinking it was a
dressed up version of what I was used to 6.5 (i.e., wasn't sure what new
value there was).  But now I'm liking how it feels to navigate it and I
know I could sell this product more easily to my family and friends. 
Here are some thoughts for what they are worth:

* Context sensitive help is really needed at this point.  I assume that
is what the "i" is...just not functional yet?

* I miss the search function always being available.  It's the quickest
way to get to something when you have a large collection.  The new
method of selecting it and negotiating the cursor to the blank is not

* It seems there is a need for a better "Back" approach.  Having to go
to the browser back button doesn't seem like a good system when you
want to back up after a drilldown.  For instance, you might be viewing
an artist's album list when you drill down to a particular album.  It
seems there should be a better way to "back up" to the previous artist
album list than there is now.  The only way I know to do it is to go up
to the browser back button.  Other approaches (like clicking on the menu
path) make you lose context.  This is fine because it allows for quick
navigation at other times, but it seems the back case should be

* In both Artist, Genre, and Year lists, I think it would be neat to
include some stats on each line (assuming it's not too difficult to
do).  For instance, it could say:  The Beatles (5 albums, 53 songs) or

* The play next and up/down playlist management capabilities appear to
be gone.  I already thought playlist management was somewhat difficult
before, now it's very difficult.  Am I missing something?  Ideally I'd
be able to drag/drop entries to where I want them.  It would also be
nice to have some capability to know the aggregate statistics such as #
songs, total time, etc., of a playlist.

* When drilling down on album, then specific album view, I feel the
screen lacks some useful info.  It would be nice to have the album
name, year and artist included in the album specific screen like it is
in the album list screen.  As it is now you have to get the album name
from the "menu path" in the header and the artist is unknown unless you
choose to show it in the song titles or happen to know it.

* Within an artist, the album "sort by" options show different info
depending upon what option you chose.  In my mind they should all show
the same info regardless of how you sort it.  Specific issues: Artist,
Year, Album doesn't show the Year like other year sorts do, and none of
the genre sorts show genre.

* In any list, I'd really like to be able to expand an entry in place. 
An example would be when displaying a list of albums by artist, I could
click to expand an album in place (pushes down the other albums),
select a few songs, then close the expanded album to return to the
list.  Going to the whole separate album screen works, but I would
prefer not to do it most of the time.

All for now...I don't know how useful this is...and I'm sure some of
this has been discussed before.

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