On Dec 22, 2007, at 6:42 PM, liam.whiteside wrote:

> Ok, I think I've answered my own question - however this probably  
> needs
> fixing so others don't have the same problem.
> I found that the default interface skin uses pre-cached graphics  
> files,
> but when you open an actual album it will also look for a cover.jpg  
> file
> in the same directory as the audio file.  Note at this point it  
> seem to look for folder.jpg or any of the other files listed in the
> documentation
> I found that if I changed some of my Folder.jpg files to folder.jpg  
> and
> did a 'Clear Library and rescan everything' they magically displayed.
> So, in Artwork.pm I changed the line to read:
>       my @names      = qw(Cover Thumb Album Folder);
> (I don't know any perl so can't make this look for both cases)
> If I now rescan, it finds all my artwork.
> One annoyance though is that if I update some artwork and do a 'look
> for new and changed music' it doesn't seem to pick up any new /  
> changed
> artwork.
> Are these things that can be fixed?

This has been fixed.
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