gharris999 wrote:
> Ok, I went ahead and tested this now anyway.  With the SBR setup via
> UDAP, if I shutdown the stand-alone server, the SBR led goes blue. 
> When I start the server up again, the SBR led stays blue and the SC7
> web interface reports that "your player was not found."  Power cycling
> the SBR fixes this.
> With the SBR setup via the SBC (SBR connected to stand-alone server via
> an isolated hub, SBC set up via "connect using squeezebox" option):
> powering down the server results in a blue led on the SBR.  After
> powering the server back up, the SBR still doesn't "see" the SC service
> and the led remains blue.  Power-cycling the SBR causes it to reconnect,
> but only if the SBC is on too, oddly enough.  If the SBC is off, the SBR
> led glows bright-white and it never seems to find the SC service.


I see similar results.

I've reported this to Dean.


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