On Feb 28, 2008, at 6:10 AM, tamanaco wrote:
> Andy Grundman;273571 Wrote:
>> On Feb 28, 2008, at 8:43 AM, tamanaco wrote:
>>> Does the Squeezenetwork outage for tomorrow affect the
>>> beta.squeezenetowork in any way? Is the announcement only referring
>> to
>>> a platform (hardware) update for the existing non-beta
>> Squeezenetwork?
>> It does, all SN services will be offline for an hour or so.  We are
>> moving production to the racks where beta is now running.  Beta will
>> become production.
Also, just to reinforce, the existing accounts on the beta service  
will be wiped clean and the accounts from the existing production  
service will replace them.  So, if you made any changes while  
connected to beta, you'll lose them.

> Follow up question... given that the current builds of SC7 and SC7.01
> point to beta.SN... will tonight's/tomorrow's build point to the new  
> SN
> production platform?
Yes, tonight's should.  But after the cutover, production and beta  
systems will be the same (for the time being) and so both old and new  
versions of SC and SBC software will point at the same thing, namely  
the new service.

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