EliteAV wrote:

> What was interesting is that when I ran this on my network (& I have
> IPv6 disabled) after the discovery msg was sent, the decode_mac
> function appeared to be called approx a dozen times with no args (hence
> the screen filled up with my "missing args" msgs). This suggests that
> the shell was possibly picking up responses from other network adapters
> on my system (from memory, Vista appears to create a bunch of interfaces
> beyond the ones you would expect from the phsyical ones). Anyway, I just
> removed my debug msg and left the MAC_ZERO assignment in so this was all
> handled silently.
> There was the odd occasion though where the shell ended up including
> the PC itself (i.e. with MAC address of 0.0.0....) in the squeezebox
> list. I vaguely recall that you have logic to check for this, so you
> are probably right that this may need to be tweaked a bit to handle the
> Vista network stack differences from XP.  When this happened, I just
> selected <configure 2> (rather than configure 1) and continued as
> normal.
> I will mail you a copy of the results from IPCONFIG/ALL from my Vista
> PC, however, as noted, I dont actually have IPV6 enabled. IPCONFIG has
> been changed though to support IPV4 and IPV6 IP addresses.

Yeah, it's almost certainly broken on Vista. The code to get local IP 
address is an incredibly dirty hack so I can avoid requiring binary 
modules. I may come up with a better way to do that, but I doubt it.

> Thanks for the suggestion about the wireless settings. I do have 2
> questions for you: When I set a 26 character hex key for one of the WEP
> keys, this is displayed correctly when I <list> the settings. However,
> if I then quit and perform a <discover>, <configure>, then <list> - the
> WEP key isnt shown correctly (the formatting is wrong as it is shown as
> 13 ASCII chars). I assume this is just a formatting issue and if I set
> a key of say F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9 and save it, this is exactly
> what is saved?

Can you send me a transcript of the shell session that produces this 
result? I'll look into it. There are some changes to pack/unpack in perl 
5.10 that might be causing problems.


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