> surely, when IE8 is released officially, it will not need to run in
> "compatibility mode" to work with SC?

Not sure yet. As long as the JS library we're using doesn't know about IE8  
we'll have to. They expect this to be fixed early 2009. But until then it  
should be fine in compatibility mode.

> otherwise i consider that a huge failure of SCs design goals.

Why? It does work. What more do you want?

> i won't defend IE, i'm sure it does many bad things.  but IE8 will be
> the new standard bearer, (for the market leading browser) it can't be
> ignored.

It's fully supported, even now, months before release (as well as its 7  
year old brother IE6!). We're spending/wasting more time with IE  
compatibility than for any other of the browsers out there. We know  
(sadly) about its importance.

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