erland;406997 Wrote: 
> Which scanning modules do you use in Custom Scan ?
> The 77 minutes should be maximum a few minutes in a large library, so
> something seems to be wrong here. 
> It would be really interesting if you could enable "info" level logging
> on plugin.customscan and post the log after a scan has finished. If you
> have already done so and I've forgot it, just let me know.

Would the 'info from the other thread'
be enough?

erland;406997 Wrote: 
> Are you using a standalone version of MySQL or are you using the one
> installed with SqueezeCenter ? In case you use a standalone version
> could you let me know which version ?

Currently the one supplied with SC, modified as follows:

  # $Id$
  # SqueezeCenter specific MySQL Server config.
  # Set the two params below to log queries that take longer than 2 seconds
  long_query_time       = 2
  # If you want to have user permissions - you need to setup a valid user, and
  # remove this line below.
  basedir               = [% basedir %]
  datadir               = [% datadir %]
  tmpdir                = [% datadir %]
  language              = [% language %]
  port                  = [% port %]
  socket                = [% socket %]
  pid-file              = [% pidFile %]
  log-error             = [% errorLog %]
  innodb_fast_shutdown  = 1
  max_connections       = 4
  thread_concurrency    = 4
  log-warnings          = 0
  bind-address          = [% bindAddress %]
  default-character-set = utf8
  default-collation     = utf8_general_ci
  max_allowed_packet    = 1M
  table_cache           = 64
  net_buffer_length     = 8K
  # Some tweaks by Moonbase, recommended for systems with 1GB+ RAM
  # key_buffer_size: cache index blocks for MyISAM, temp disc tables for InnoDB
  key_buffer_size       = 16M
  # sort_buffer_size: improve ORDER BY and GROUP BY
  sort_buffer_size      = 2M
  # join_buffer_size: improve full JOINs (non-indexed)
  join_buffer_size      = 2M
  # read_buffer_size: don't adjust too high, just for full scans
  read_buffer_size      = 512K
  # read_rnd_buffer_size: really improve ORDER BY
  read_rnd_buffer_size  = 2M
  # innodb_buffer_pool_size: improve speed by reducing disc accesses
  innodb_buffer_pool_size = 40M
  innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 2M
  # some other InnoDB settings
  innodb_log_file_size = 5M
  innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
  innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
  innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
  socket                = [% socket %]

erland;406997 Wrote: 
> I would be happy to run it in a separate process if there was an easy
> way to do it. It's easy on Linux or OSX but on Windows it requires me
> to compile a exe which makes it more complicated.

Oops, I forgot ;-) Running SC from the pure Perl code for such a long
time now makes one forget that there were .exe's on Windows …

erland;406997 Wrote: 
> If you like Custom Scan to run in the background, voting on this
> enhancement request is a good idea:
Voted. You’re right, there should be some "wrapper" for plugins to do

erland;406997 Wrote: 
> Yes definitely, it's just strange that it happened when browsing music
> folders because that shouldn't have triggered a Custom Scan scanning.
I think it -might-. At least SC tries to add new music from Music
Folders upon entering the folder … Would have to check the scanning
logic for browsing Music Folders, though. And how you detect if a new
sync is needed.


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