erland;406997 Wrote: 
> Yes definitely, it's just strange that it happened when browsing music
> folders because that shouldn't have triggered a Custom Scan scanning.

Just to be clear... when I did my test this morning, I browsed into the
folder with new music and added it to my playlist. This did trigger
custom scan; it just didn't cause my server to go berserk this time.

Moonbase;406985 Wrote: 
> I have the problem that SC quite often initiates a rescan, because I
> add new music which in turn modifies my MusicIP library which in turn
> causes SC to rescan which in turn causes CustomBrowse to hit in again
> which in turn blocks my SC from playing or being accessible at all

You probably already know, but you can disable SC rescanning when it
detects changes to the MusicIP library by resetting the rescan interval
to 0. That way you don't get unexpected rescans when it's inconvenient.
If I add new music that I want to listen to right away, I either browse
by music folder, or I'll use another program to export a playlist of the
new music, then just do a "playlist only" rescan in SC, which is a lot
faster. Normally, this works fine and doesn't block SC from playing at


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