On May 15, 2009, at 4:20 PM, JJZolx wrote:

> I just noticed this in the server.log:
> Code:
> --------------------
>    [09-05-15 12:02:33.3236] main::init (296) Starting SqueezeCenter  
> (v7.4, rTRUNK, UNKNOWN) perl 5.010000
> --------------------
> Where is the 'perl 5.010000' coming from?  This is being run under
> ActivePerl  Is it possible that the binary files in
> \server\CPAN\arch\5.10\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
> can't be located because the server isn't seeing the correct Perl
> version number?  Would you expect a scanner.log to be created before  
> it
> dies?

5.010000 = 5.10.000

It's just Perl's weird versioning scheme.  Run with --d_startup if you  
want to see what it's loading.
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