This may also be the result of another recent change, see 
  which deals with ALBUMARTISTSORT.

On May 21, 2009, at 1:03 PM, snarlydwarf wrote:

> back to andy's question: I seem to have found one difference between  
> the
> new scanner and the old:
> For some reason I have some albums that have an ALBUMARTISTSORT tag,
> but no ARTISTSORT.
> (Most certainly should: Isaac Hayes should be under H not I so should
> have an ARTISTSORT.. why MusicBrainz didn't insert it is another
> question...)
> So it's not really a SC bug: these tags make no sense:
> TIT2 (Title/songname/content description): Precious, Precious
> TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Isaac Hayes
> TRCK (Track number/Position in set): 1/6
> TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Presenting Isaac Hayes
> TXXX (User defined text information): (ALBUMARTISTSORT): Hayes,
> Isaac
> No sign of the usual MB artist name, MB album artist (the Album Artist
> ID is there, as is the artist id..) or MB Artist Sort.
> But it does end up sorting very oddly.
> Something amiss in one of the Picard plugins I use.. only a couple
> dozen albums seem affected so I'll handfix them or smack picard into
> behaving intelligently.
> Just a further fyi that 'undefined values lead to undefined behavior'

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