> Are the new naming conventions/changes finished being converted yet?  I

There will still be minor changes, but the big parts are done. Time for  
some bug hunting.

> had a lot of problems after the install.  SC seemed to get into a memory
> spiral and consumed all available RAM.  It can't seem to connect to SN -
> I get a "Failed" message dialog box.

This very likely has nothing to do with the renaming, but is still worth  
some investigation (if you can reproduce it).

> The uninstall program and the install program seemed to be running at
> the same time (and doing things) - really seemed odd.

That's correct: as this is not an update as usual, but (in Windows eyes) a  
new application, it launches the SC uninstaller before running the  
installation. We did the same back when SliMP3 was renamed to SlimServer  
to SqueezeCenter.

Please file any bug you can reproduce. Whether it's naming related or not.  

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