Mnyb;440554 Wrote: 
> I don't know ? it does not rescan mine every time, but it has a new
> feature that I turned of for now as it not working yet i think ?
> Under basic settings you have "Automatically detect changes"
> "
> Squeezebox Server can watch your music folder and automatically detect
> changes. New and changed files should appear in your library within
> several minutes."
> This will be very good when it's debugged :) as only have to dump the
> new files on my server, no more starting web-UI to click rescan.
> Can this be the problem ? or you have found a new bug ?

Thanks for your response. I just changed that setting from automatic to
manual. I have to wait until SC finishes rescanning yet again to see if
it changes this behavior.

With the MySQL version whenever I added new music to my library I
validated the tracks via the MIP UI and then using the MusicMagic server
Web server UI I clicked reload cache and this started the scanning for
New Music in SC. Will this still work in the same way if the auto
detection for changes is set to manual? Maybe is just me but having
"Automatically detect changes" option for manual and auto and the
"Rescan Music Library" option to Look for changed music seem a little
redundant. What's the difference? 

Also, I noticed that the Music Scan Details is stuck and is displaying
the results of the initial scan. It does not display any progress even
after I reboot the computer or when SC scans again to look for new

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