On 02/08/09 07:58, Michael Herger wrote:
>> The Windows Home Server Console is also slow as molasses.
> Did you see what process whas causing the slowdown? CPU load? Memory usage?

I've found squeezecenter-7.4-0.1.27996 (from RPM) to be unusable on
CentOS 5.3.

The RPM was built using:

QA_RPATHS=$[ 0x0001|0x0010 ] ./buildme.pl --build rpm --buildDir
/tmp/scbuild/ --sourceDir . --destDir ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/

First problem:

The RPM build uses the existing system MySQL is present. In my case,
that is mysql-server-5.1.36-1.el5.remi. It seems that the system tables
have changed in that version since
/usr/share/squeezecenter/MySQL/system.sql was created. I simply copied
/var/lib/mysql/mysql to /var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/MySQL/mysql as a
temporary fix.

Second problem:

I'm not sure what's causing it, but MySQL is just chewing up CPU. I
can't find any logs with anything interesting in, but cpu is in nearly
100.0%wa state quite a lot of the time.

Anyway, I didabled my "remi" repo and replaced 5.1.36 with 5.0.45 and am
re-scanning. So far, it seems to be working a little better.


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