>Andy, you fixed it properly!
I'm not so sure - I don't think there was a problem to be fixed.

It may extend further than id3v1 vs id3v2, in that other tag formats could be 
merged together.

>first of all, there is no problem whatsoever loading 2000000 files into
>mp3tag and removing id3v1.1 tags.  safe and easy.
I agree, and probably other apps could do the job just as well.  But there is 
currently no need to remove the tags, as there's no issue with having them if 
the app ignores them.  All of a sudden after users scan for new/changed files, 
they will start to see the occasional weird inconsistency in their library.

Why not do what other apps do.  Mp3tag shows what tag formats there are in a 
file, and which tag format was read.  You can configure what tag formats to 
read/ignore.  It doesn't try to merge different ones together.  Read id3v2 tags 
if they are present, otherwise id3v1 is sensible.

>secondly, you can't just remove v1 support.  many users have ONLY v1 tags.
I agree.

>thirdly, if you have divergent info in the tags, the v2 SUPERCEDES the
>v1!!!!  where exactly is the problem????
No, that's what it used to do.  It won't always totally supercede now.  If some 
tags are blanked, then you will get the data that lives underneath it, that the 
app previously didn't report, instead of blank.

Like I said, I personally don't mind, as I only ever use one tag format 
(id3v2.4 for mp3 files, FLAC for flac files).

>fourth, almost no one is going to have properly updated and maintained
>v2 tags, and garbage v1 tags.
How are you so sure about that?
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