> My first comment has to be this: SbS 7.6 is unusable while the artwork
> download is running. The web GUI takes 2min 28secs to start up! SbS is
> using < 5% CPU, and top shows it sitting on a select(). I bore the

Heh... yeah, that's not what we want. I'll try to make it async asap.

BTW: what kind of connectivity do you have? While the code indeed is 
synchronous, I'm surprised by your problems. Even my SB Touch would behave 
better ;-). It downloaded about 22 covers/min., while streaming to a connected 
boom just fine. Even at that speed it shouldn't take much longer than 8h to 
complete your collection.

> - Bands who sometimes surround their name with funny characters, e.g.
>   :A7IE:, :Golgotha:, [:SITD:].

No, I won't help with these :-).

Thanks for the analysis.


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