I've been banging my head against the wall with this for three days. It
all started when I noticed the automatic artwork downloader trying to
grab covers for an artist called Sinead O`Connor (that's O backtick, it
should be O apostrophe). I trawled my music collection, corrected the
tags in one album and ran a "rescan for new and changed". The bad tag
was still there, so I checked my collection again. And again. No matter
what I did, Sinead O`Connor refused to go away.

I fired up another SbS with just two files in the collection, the first
tagged incorrectly:

  vagabond% ls
  01-jackie_192_lame_cbr.mp3      02-mandinka_192_lame_cbr.mp3
  vagabond% id3v2 -l 01-jackie_192_lame_cbr.mp3 | fgrep TPE1
  TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Sinead O`Connor
  vagabond% id3v2 -l 02-mandinka_192_lame_cbr.mp3 | fgrep TPE1
  TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Sinead O'Connor

After an initial scan, I see just one artist, the wrong one:

[image: http://www.xenopsyche.com/ip/tmp/apos.2.png]

Although it's picked up the wrong one, SbS can see the correct tag:

[image: http://www.xenopsyche.com/ip/tmp/apos.4.png]

Let's fix the incorrect tag:

  vagabond% id3v2 -a"Sinead O'Connor" 01-jackie_192_lame_cbr.mp3 
  vagabond% id3v2 -l * | grep TPE1
  TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Sinead O'Connor
  TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Sinead O'Connor
  vagabond% ls -l
  total 8848
  -rw-r--r--  1 ip  staff  3571840 Aug 27 15:21 01-jackie_192_lame_cbr.mp3
  -rw-r--r--  1 ip  staff  5423232 Aug 27 15:14 02-mandinka_192_lame_cbr.mp3

Now both files have the "right" tag. At this point, *there is no artist
named Sinead O`Connor in my collection.* What do I see after a rescan?

[image: http://www.xenopsyche.com/ip/tmp/apos.5.png]

[image: http://www.xenopsyche.com/ip/tmp/apos.6.png]

Argh! Is there any way I can consign Sinead O`Connor to the great
dustbin in the sky, short of running a full rescan? That's what I ended
up doing. 

Tip: peering at the screen trying to work out if it's a backtick or an
apostrophe can give you a headache. I speak from experience.


They only want you when you're seventeen,
When you're twenty one, you're no fun.
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