Sounds like it could be a case of having multiple tags in the file, such
as both ID3v1 and ID3v2 or more likely ID3v2 and APE.  The 'view tags'
function in SbS isn't a very good troubleshooting tool.  The Mp3
library it uses will read multiple tags from a file, apply a precedence
of one over another and return a value for what it calls TPE1.

If you open these file in Mp3tag you should be able to see exactly
which tags are contained in the file and it should tell you which one
is being read by Mp3tag.  It behaves a little like Sbs in that it will
give precedence to one type over another if multiple tags are found.

You can try just deleting any ID3v1 and APE tags in Mp3tag or else you
can delete all tags and then paste them back and only write ID3v2 tags.
Afterwards, if you have the backtick you should see it and be able to
edit it.

If you need help with Mp3tag, just ask, although the procedure is
described in other forum posts here, mostly in the tagging forum.

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