Philip Meyer;576263 Wrote: 
> >On no other system or application I own does pressing play delete the
> >playlist.  This is not standard behaviour and is contrary to the user
> >expectation.
> >
> On the contrary, I think it's quite common.  eg. on an iPod, if you
> press play when browsing to anything, it immediately starts to play
> that selection, losing whatever was previously playing.  You can add to
> playlist (eg. "on the go"), and then play that playlist, but that isn't
> the default action when playing an item....

Agreed.  I was indirectly referring to the fact that you create a
playlist dynamically but it is transient and all too easily lost. 
Playlists on the Mac (and Android to a certain degree) are persistent
and a workaround could be to persist the playlist so that it can be
easily recovered.

For me, the Duet has a different mode of operation to other players. 
With music on my phone or computer, I may craft a playlist up front to
listen to whilst exercising or working.  With the Duet, it is far more
interactive.  I'm generally sat down relaxing with an intention to
listen to music.  I'll browse the catalogue on the controller and
create a playlist dynamically. Playing one track my lead me to
investigate other music of a similar vein, or era.  

Similarly, when we have friends around we let them add to the music,
rather than just stick an album on.  It gives everyone an opportunity
to play something they like and means that I may get to hear some
tracks that I haven't heard for a while.

Even when I'm on my own I keep party mode on active, as it's still far
too easy to delete a playlist with a single moments carelessness.

However, playing a track directly by clicking the central button on the
Duet is a huge faux pas as there is no warning that this is going to
happen.  When you are navigating down through albums and artists it can
be easy to forget where you are, click once to many and end up
accidentally playing the track (and deleting the playlist)

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