>this whole argument of yours is just so baseless on its face; afterall
>you use custom browse exactly b/c you want these abilities but can't
>have them in the native app.  why in gods name would you fight against
>them doing it better?
Because it would never happen.  SBS will NEVER have better support than Custom 
Browse.  Custom Browse offers a hell of a lot more than SBS would ever support. 
 If SBS ever did enhance music browsing, it would be cut-down Custom Browse 
functionality to make it more approachable for normal non-techy consumers.  I 
would not benefit from it, unless it was then extended by another third-party 
plugin to regain features not implemented.

That's not to say it would be a bad thing to do, but actually if they were to 
put all of their resources into this, it could kill the product, because it's 
likely to take resources away from whatever else needs to be done to support 
future hardware (if any!), which would make money for Logitech and keep their 
interest in supporting the product line.  There would be likely many more bugs, 
incompatibilities with other things.  Older product ranges may not be supported 
if there were radical changes to SBS (I think they said that only newer 
products would be maintained/enhanced).

I'd like to see basic support to fix bugs more than anything, to keep the 
product alive.  e.g. if SBS doesn't work on Win7, that would be more important.

SBS 7.6 has been in production for a long time, and still seems a long way away 
from release.  There's not that much in there that has benefits in terms of new 
enhancements.  That's an indication of how long you may be waiting for a 
radical new way of browsing a local music library.

You are more likely to see new internet services released through 

>and please don't keep short selling the so
>called "avg user."  they would be happy to be able to do these things,
>if they only could.
But they don't.  My wife is never going to be bothered about music browsing 
capabilities.  She's not going to configure new views for browsing music in 
different ways.  She can get her head round pre-configured hierarchies to find 
what she wants, and has learnt to use the search button.  Most often, she just 
wants to turn a player on and press a button to play a preset (eg. music for 
our children).  SBS has got a lot worse in that respect, now that favorites 
can't be configured with shortcut numbers.

Would a SBS that looked like WinAmp make a difference to my wife, my dad, my 
neighbour - no.

>in winamp i frequently switch between the two.  is it really so odd
>that one would want to browse AA at some times, and all A at other
Yes, it's not that common.  It's been like this for years, and I've not seen 

>and you got this view from what authority exactly?
>its amazing how b/c you think it so, then it must be so.
My wife, dad, brother, friends, and anyone else that has ever seen the players 
in my house have never asked me "how do I switch this list to show more/less 
artists".  Until the start of this week, I've not seen a post on the forum over 
the last 5 years that has request the ability to do it (otherwise the product 

There have been a few that have asked how to stop compilation artists appearing 
in the list of artists, because it makes the list too long to be useful to 
navigate.  Once they've change a single setting, they've gone away happy.

That's not to say it can't be improved to make it switchable dynamically.  But 
it can't be seen as a top priority that's going to sell thousands more hardware 
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