>I'm not sure about Mp3Tag, but FB2K would be a disaster.  The FB2K
>folks have a highly restricted sense of what constitutes a cuesheet. 
>I'd end up loosing massive amounts of data that I have in 'REM COMMENT
>"xxx"' and 'REM COMPOSER "xxx"' etc tags.  FB2K will just summarily
>throw out all tags that it decides it doesn't understand when it edits
>a cuesheet.  I like FB2K for playback...but for editing cuesheets: epic
Oh, I didn't realise that.  I don't really use cuesheets, but used them a bit 
in the past; mainly for basic info, with album-context tags in the base file.  
i.e. track numbers+titles in .cue, and album name, year, etc, in the .wav.

Mp3Tag is similar - only allows basic tags (doesn't read/write REMs, but 
doesn't lose existing ones).

I guess the problem is that there's not a very good definition for .cue sheets, 
but I'd expect remarks to be read in as generic name/value tags, and thus write 
them back again.

Not many apps seem to support cue sheets, which is why I gave up with them 
(unless absolutely necessary).

.cue sheets are only text, so how about writing scripts to edit text directly.  
eg. awk?
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