Philip Meyer;613890 Wrote: 
> ..cue sheets are only text, so how about writing scripts to edit text
> directly.  eg. awk?
I have C utilities that I've written that can both extract a cuesheet
and update it.  It would be just a matter of tweaking the update
utility so that it can get search/replace terms from a text file and
fix-up the genre names accordingly.  Then, I'd have to re-jig my
PostScan queries so as to update namesort to get the genres in the
proper order.

The biggest problem is that my cuesheet update utility is a 228kb mass
of spaghetti C code that I've been patching over and over since 2005. 
I'm afraid that adding another major feature is going to require a
complete refactor.

So yes, this is doable...but time consuming.  What I had was working
beautifully. So, until I get the time to update my ripping tool chain
and retag, I'll live with a custom

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