>no, it creates problems, as i pointed out regarding the song titles,
No, it highlights errors in tags.  It's not creating problems, it's making them 

>AndyG made it clear that it was NOT intended, and even went so far as
>saying it was FUD to even claim it was happening.  the diacritics "fix"
>caused the spaces bug, which has since been fixed, and the case issue,
>which so far hasn't been addressed.  the diacritics fix was never meant
>to bleed into those other areas.
Really?  That's not what I recall when it was discussed before the change was 

Andy commented in several bugs and recent forum posts that it was intention (I 
think).  Here's one comment from a bug report:

        Andy Grundman 2010-08-28 04:56:14 PDT

        I recall we decided somewhere that we should always treat artists with
        different names, even differing only in accents, etc, as different 
        Mostly so you can easily detect problems with your tags, and maybe they 
are in
        fact different artists in some cases.

Michael Herger also commented:

        Michael Herger 2009-01-15 14:30:58 PST

        > you should stop SC from ever matching artist names that aren't
        > exactly the same.

        I couldn't have said it better! We should never have tried to match 
        names, as we'll never be able to do it correctly. Let's stop here 
before it
        gets even worse.

The checkin comment for the diacritics fix was:

== Auto-comment from SVN commit #31901 to the slim repo by agrundman ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=31901 ==

Fixed bug 10324, don't merge artists or genres unless they have the exact same

Seems an intentional change to me...

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