>you still have yet to respond to the song title issue.  not at all an
>"obvious" one, yet a very real functional one.
I didn't have anything to add really.  I don't mind either way, as I correct my 
title tags such that they are always capitalised words, so I've never had any 

What the user enters in any track title will always be honoured when it is 
displayed, which is different to the previously broken artist and genre name 
issues where similarly named items were considered the same, so the users tag 
content was not honoured.

Each song scanned is always a different record in the music library; the 
scanner never aggregates song titles, so there would be less of an issue making 
them case sensitive or insensitive.  

>maybe you misunderstood me or maybe i wrote poorly, but of course the
>diacritics fix was intentional.  what was NOT intentional, but was a
>result of it, from my reading of the various bug reports/forum threads
>and my  experimentation with the "fixed" version, was the side effects
>of the diacritics fix.
My understanding was that case sensitivity WAS intentional.

>> Fixed bug 10324, don't merge artists or genres unless they have the
>> exact same name

>they included respecting case, and respecting spaces.  when i pointed
>this out, andy said it was FUD, not true.  turned out it was true.  (np
>Andy, we all make mistakes! :) )  the spaces issue has since been
>REVERTED, intentionally, on purpose, as it always should have been and

Okay, I wasn't sure about the leading/trailing spaces being intentional or not, 
and I'm not particularly bothered either way on that one, although in my mind 
it should still obey whatever the user has put in the tags.  I can think of 
cases where there may actually be leading spaces in TITLE tags, eg. to indent 
tracks into a structure:

1. The Narrow Way
2.      Middle Section
3.      End Sequence

It can be argued that displaying a track list for an album, the leading spaces 
should be honoured - i.e. the user may have intentionally entered them for this 
reason, or some other reason.

iTunes doesn't trim spaces from tags that it reads.
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