Back from the sticks for a day.

First off, I have moved my LMS servers from Windows to VortexBox 2.3,
but my workstations are still on Win 7 with SSD and RAMDisk, so I
changed CACHE from RAMDisk to a fragmented WD 640Gb work disk for this

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1395409907 @ Thu Mar 27 20:19:17
CUT 2014
Hostname: Gladstone, Intel Q9450 2.7GHz Quad Core 8GB RAM
Total Tracks: 144,947, Total Albums: 11,302, Total Artists: 3,146, Total
Genres: 104

Tweak Buffer Size - 20
Starting LMS took more than 10 minutes after moving the CACHE from R:\
to E:\ , Windows Task Manager showed LMS was reading Persist.db and
Library.db .

Browse New Music - alsmost instant (used to stop server and music
playback for a minute or two - the reason I went to RAMDisk !)
Search Albums for "the girl" - first time took 54 seconds, player
stopped with re-buffering. Second search almost instant.
New Albums 2 seconds.

This is frustrating, most searches are returned in 1~2 seconds where a
year ago they would lock up the server and stop the players.

Memory :Hard Faults/sec - Commit (KB) - Working Set (KB) - Shareable
(KB) - Private (KB)
SQUEEZ~3.EXE    0 - 314,692 - 332,528 -  23,044 - 309,484

Tweak Buffer Size - 500
Searches are returned in 1~2 seconds, New Music almost instant, New
Albums 2 seconds.
Memory Usage
SQUEEZ~3.EXE    0 - 435,664 - 450,940 - 23,044 - 427,896

Restarted LMS with Tweak Buffer set to 500, took almost 3 minutes,
however search albums for "the girl" almost instant. Other searches, New
Music, New Albums and memory useage are as above.

Back to the farm for a few days then down the coast for more testing.

These results show the great work already done in optimising LMS 7.8 ,
and I think that a cut down version of this plugin with just the memory
slider should be included in LMS as a Settings / Performance function.
It also shows me that RAMDisk is no longer needed for Windows.

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.
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