It was this discussion:

'List albums by band?'

Thanks. I didn't read this (not even now, before answering here).

I expected to see you jump into the conversation, but I realize that
once a discussion with Phil starts going in circles, you tend to stay
out. :)

I wouldn't call names or you might get hurt :-P.

Q: What does the pref 'List albums by band?' do?
A: Nothing. It used to have some effect, but now it does absolutely

Close to nothing. But there are still some very remote places where it might be respected (eg. Artist display in ip3k menus). I think when LMS was optimized using more native SQL instead of the OODB oriented approach the pref was forgotten and not implemented.

Q: What is it supposed to do?
A: For albums, display either all artists on the album or use the info
from BAND instead.

There is an $album->artists call which would return an album's "main" artist. This would use ALBUMARTIST, BAND (if that pref selected), ARTIST in this order (roughly).

IIRC, the field albums.contributor was originally a hack to help
generate the alpha pagebar, but at some point began being used for the
album by-line also.

I think we should go back to your previous posting:

> The contributor names shown for albums aren't always complete or
> correct. That was discussed recently in another thread.

We should get a list of places where album contributors are shown, how they are shown and how they should be shown. This would allow us to identify the places which need to be fixed. But that would be worth a thread on its own (and would not be addressed by me before August).


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