I guess I was somewhat unfamiliar with Advanced Search. I took a look at
Advanced Search in 7.8 and 7.7, which answered a couple of my

(BTW, it's unbelievably slow in earlier versions of LMS when the result
set is large. I see the server's CPU being pegged and eventually it
times out in the browser. Meanwhile, LMS 7.9 takes less than a second to
run the same search.)

JJZolx wrote: 
> - I'm only seeing a single page of results, ordered alphabetically, with
> no pagebar or 'more' links. There's an 'All Songs' link, but it's not
> linked to anything. The play/enqueue buttons for 'All Songs' works, but
> only plays the items in that one page of results.

This appears to be how it's always worked, which raises some questions.
What I would envision the new functionality to be used for is generating
very large playlists. For example all Rock from the 1980s, or all Jazz
from before 1940, or all Metal with a rating of at least 4. Without
access to everything returned, I don't see how the search results would
be very useful.

> - When you've done a search, and click 'Advanced Search' in the
> breadcrumb navigation, why are the search results from the prior search
> shown below the form? Is there a use for this?

Again, this is apparently how it's always worked. I don't quite
understand why, but it's not new.

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