Thanks for your quick reply. Could you please elaborate your idea. Have
you already tested your idea?


(use your server address, of course)

$client->execute(['time', 123]) should do the trick. You might need to run this once the "playlist play" command has completed. In order to do so create the request instead of executing it directly. Then add a callback:

my $r = Slim::Control::Request->new($client->id, ['playlist', 'play', $url]);
$r->callbackFunction(sub {
   $client->execute(['time', 123]);

Warning: didn't test this. But it should give you an idea of how this might work.

The problem is, that I cannot add a subsequent call with
Slim::Player::Source::gototime($client, $newPos) because per definition,
this call needs to be executed in a separate call to work (see here:

That's a.) a different use case (jump between tracks, not within a track), and b.) so old (8yrs!) I wouldn't trust it's still behaving the same.


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