a) Under the menu Genres no compilations are shown anymore: "Music to
Watch Girls By" is not shown under the Genre "Easy Listening". It is of
course shown under the new menu-item "Compilations" and the genre shows
as "Easy Listening", but in Genres I only see Album Artists?

One more edge case, I guess. But yes, if you're using two separate artists lists, then compilations wouldn't show up in genres. Who wants them back? Hands up! Dissenting votes? Thanks you!

I'll add this to my list.

b) All Artists-menu also show all composers. I think I read somewhere in
here that it should be possible to fix, or it should have fixed in a new
build, but I think that was from a bug post posted late 2014?

Composer is just another artist role.

c) I've made two new menu items: Classical Composer and Conductors via
the 'Additional Browse Modes' - is it normal behaviour that these items
will not show in Orange Squeeze - or should I try working further with
the menus?

I thought Orange Squeeze was up to date in this regard. Did you try to force restart it?

I know that is a lot of questions in one thread

It is. In particular when the subject line only covers one of them ;-). But that's fine. I'm glad you didn't post in the generic "7.9 issues" thread.


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