Overall the access to MinimServer works fine - but ... no artwork!
I run a Raspberry Pi 2 with Squeezebox Server 7.9 and Squeezelite (under
Max2Play). The missing artwork is not a problem of MinimServer.

Hmm... I don't see it sending me information about the URL. Are the images embedded in your files or standalone?

[16-01-19 11:29:13.1102] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::gotContainer (152) {
  album => 19,
  artist => "Adele",
  creator => "Adele",
  date => "2008-01-28",
  genre => "Soul/Pop",
  id => "0\$albums\$*a1\$*i348",
  originalTrackNumber => 1,
  title => "Daydreams",
  type => "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack",
url => "*/doubleTwist/Adele/19/01*20Daydreams.mp3";,

That file would show artwork, as it's embedded. But MinimServer would not tell me about standalone artwork.

BubbleUPnP on Android otoh does provide the albumArtURI:

[16-01-19 11:33:23.0370] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::gotContainer (152) {
  album       => "Unnamed Lands",
albumArtURI => "";,
  artist      => "Tom Griesgraber;Bert Lams",
  date        => "2014-04-24T12:28:14",
  genre       => "Acoustic",
  id          => "Audio\@0/Albums\@Audio/Unnamed Lands\@Albums/46175\$",
  title       => "14 - Pacific.mp3",
  type        => "object.item.audioItem",
url => "";,

BTW: what features does MinimServer offer which you're lacking in LMS?


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