I see LMS' scanner beeing case sensitive in a very "special" way
(Windows 10).

Example #1:
I had my "ABBA"-files/albums in a folder called "Abba" and artist (as
well as artist album) labeled to "Abba"
I recognized on all samplers they're spelled "ABBA" and I had to
different artists (expected behaviour for LMS is case sensitive), so I
changed artist, album artist and even folder name from "Abba" => "ABBA"
What I see after a "new and changed scan" is on every file TWO artists
and album artists:
Album artist: Abba, ABBA
Artist: Abba, ABBA
If I click on the "Abba" tag and see a files source it shows me
"M:\A\Abba\..." (what doesn't exist anymore)
If i click the "ABBA" tag is shows as source "M:\A\ABBA\..."

So to me it seems, scanner sees the "Abba" and the "ABBA" file on the
one hand as two different folders (what is correct if it's case
sensitive), on the other hand scanner doesn't see that the "ABBA"-folder
is gone and sees the "Abba"-folder as the same as the "ABBA"-folder and
even mixes the tags from "both" folders together... (in this routine
scanner seems to be case insensitive)?

Example #2:
On an album I have Track 3 called "Ich liebe Dich" and I change it to
"Ich liebe dich" (to harmonize spelling in my db). I also changed the
file name from "Ich liebe Dich.mp3" to "Ich liebe dich.mp3".
After a "new and changed" the song appears TWICE in my album:
Both are called "Ich liebe dich" (new spelling),
but one is linked to "Ich liebe dich.mp3", the other one to "Ich liebe
Once again, scanner obviously sees them as two different files, but
doesn't recognize, that the "Ich lieb Dich.mp3"-file is gone (maybe in
this routine scanner once again is case insensitive)?

Many thanks for caring for it blows up my collection a lot (and it
happens "every day anew" for the tags I get from iTunes oder Amazon are
a desaster and I have to fix them on weekend or on holidays - but I
don't get rid of the "initially wrong ones")

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