This is a continuation of posts from the '\"7.9.0 release candidates -
please test!\"'

-Short resume:-
The Spotify Playlists menu and other submenus in Spotify won’t open when
I use LMS’ webinterface for Spotify. LMS hangs for several minutes when
I tries, and selected submenu never opens. It works a bit better when
controlling LMS/Spotify via apps. I can open the menus in Spotify, but
occasionally I get username/password errors when trying to play a track.

After the first attempt of getting LMS79RC to work on my NAS (as
discussed in above linked thread), I have during this Sunday made -3
further attempts- to install a working version of LMS79x on my ReadyNAS
Ultra. In the end I end up installing a nightly version of the “older”
LMS781 again, but meanwhile I have taken some notes that might be
helpful… I hope…

First I tried installing a 791nightly on top of the previously installed
79RC to see if it would solve my problems. Unfortunately my problems
opening my Spotify Playlists menu via LMS webinterface not only
continued, but things got worse since Spotify now wouldn’t play at all.
Not either when controlled via apps or SBTouch touchscreen. Still
different errors when using webinterface ("illegal file descriptor or
filehandle" errors when trying to open Playlists or other submenus in
Spotify) vs. "alternative controllers" (userid/password errors when
trying to play a track). But now neither way could be used for Spotify.

So next I completely uninstalled LMS from my NAS and started a clean
install of latest 791nightly while sporadically checking status of my
setup during the process. When the point arrived where I couldn’t open
the Spotify Playlists menu anymore, I tried to backtrack to the setup
where it was slow but still somehow working. But unsuccessfully. So…

In yet another attempt, I again made a complete uninstall of LMS from my
NAS and started a new completely clean installation of LMS791nightly.
This time taking it in -very small steps- and keeping a log of my
actions. Below follows first the log of my actions and next the complete
LMS server log from the same process.

Clean install of latest LMS 9.7.1 nightly. Initial setup steps including
connecting the LMS to my account, and see the setup work by
starting streaming a radiostation.

Check Spotify Playlist opening – Very slow but opens OK (Didn't time it,
but 1/2 minute seems likely).

Configure the Audioscrobbler plugin and setting Media Library
Name in Basic Settings.

Long wait here where LMS is not responding (while rescanning because of
change on Basic Settings page?).

After some time the radio station I was playing also stops. Browser
reports unable to connect to LMS. But after further waiting LMS starts
responding again…

Rebooting NAS/LMS.

Check Spotify Playlist opening – Slow but OK (approx. 35 seconds to

Play track on Spotify – OK

Setting up on Player settings page, including putting my 2x SBTouch in
Sync mode and enabling Smart Gain.

Reboot NAS/LMS.

Reboot Touch devices.

Restart browser.

Check Spotify Playlist opening – Slow but OK (approx. 35 seconds to

Play track on Spotify – Fails playing at first. Log says “Spotify login
failed: Bad username and/or password” ???

Waits a few seconds and tries again. Now working OK.

Setting LMS password protection up in Advanced>Security.

Restarting browser and NAS/LMS.

Check Spotify Playlist opening – Slow but OK (approx. 35 seconds to

Play track on Spotify: LMS browser UI says playing – players also in
LMS’ player dropdown, but Touch devices do not play or show Now Playing

Stops the “playing”, clear the LMS playlist and tries to start same
Spotify playlist. Still silence though LMS shows it playing. Nothing in
the log.

Go to Touch devices. Switch to MySB and back to my local LMS. Prompted
for LMS login/password which I enter.

Check Spotify Playlist opening – Slow but OK (approx. 35 seconds to

Play track on Spotify – OK.

Reboots NAS/LMS.

Check Spotify Playlist opening – Slow but OK (approx. 35 seconds to

Play track on Spotify – OK.

Setting up My Music: Treat TPE2 as Album Artist and set New Music Limit
to 500.

Allows the triggered rescan to complete.

Restart NAS/LMS.

Verifying LMS control via Orange Squeeze on my Android tablet and via
Squeeze Control Win10 app on same PC as I use the webinterface from.
Both apps not only works with Spotify, they are very fast and
responsive! Spotify playlists opens almost instantly! I don’t remember
the webinterface being slow when using Spotify on the older LMS 781
nightlies, so I’m a bit frustrated the webinterface isn’t up to the same
speed as the apps. It confirms an ”unhealty feel” I have had about this
LMS791 installation right from the start, even though hard errors have
been few so far.

Trying to control Spotify via SBTouch touchscreen suddenly gives a
username/password error.

Going back to -webinterface -now also gives username/password error in
the log (but UI gives no information to the user).

Restart NAS/LMS.

Still username/password problems reported when I try to play something
on Spotify, no matter from where I am controlling it from.

At this point I get tired of it, and decide to re-install an "old"
LMS781 nightly instead.

But below is the complete log related to above described setup-proces of
LMS791 up to as far as I got before giving up:

-[I’m hitting a max limit for posting size in this forum, so splitting
up my post in several smaller posts…]-

'http://www.*rockland*.dk' ( -
'http://www.**/user/rockland' (
- 'http://www.*discogs*.com/user/StigNygaard'
( -
*Server:* LMS 7.9.0 - 1488878280 @ Wed Mar  8 14:05:55 UTC 2017 on
ReadyNAS Ultra 2.  *Controllers/players:* 2x Squeezebox Touch,
Squeezebox Classic, 2x OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer
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