I promised to report and the most important things:
1. It works
2. ... halfway.

First of all I installed on Windows Server (2019) - I'm a "Windows Kid"
and so it was easier to me to compare and copy to and from my local

What I did?
I installed LMS (for Windows, lastest nightly) on the Cloud Server - it
Then I stopped LMS, deleted the "cache" directory and copied the whole
"cache" directory from my local installation of LMS to the Cloud Server.
I restarted the LMS, called the web interface ( http://*MyIP*:9000/ )
from any other computer on the www - works.

The only thing that DON'T work (but works on my local installation of
LMS) is the search box.

"Advanced Search" works fine.
Browsing from the homepage artists, albums, compilations ... works
perfectly - and if i browse / "click" an artist, it shows all albums
this artist is on.
Everything works as it should be,

The only thing that doesn't work is the searchbox (from the homepage) it
shows no results.
Even the Search from homepage (beneath the browing sections) gives no
(e.g. it shows "Home > Search > Artists (Beatles)" without results - but
I definitely own songs and abums by the Beatles)

If I see it right, it's the "search.html" that is not working (while the
"advanced_search.html" is working fine).

Any idea what causes this behaviour and how to solve it?

Side information:
I use "squeezer" on Android which seems to work in a similar way and
brings no results as well while browsing works perfectly.
Curious thing: When I perform a search for "Rock" btw. I get no results
either in albums, artists nor songs - but I get some hits in "genres"
(rock, rocknroll, hardrock)..
Maybe this helps to locate the problem?


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