(For some reason my mails keep getting denied. I'll try again at the risk of 
double posting)

Hi Damien,

I think AA is nice, but want to point out that it shouldn't be applied to the 
UI and controls themselves. The UI elements already have custom AA code, to 
make them look identical across different GFX cards, and to ensure they always 
render properly and quickly. Unfortunately your commit makes the UI widgets 
look very fuzzy, as you're applying AA to something which is already smooth. 

Here are two screenshots to illustrate this:


I'm all for having AA, but IMO it should be limited to the 3D view content (and 
perhaps other views too? Node Editor?)



On 6 Jan, 2010, at 3:59 PM, Brecht Van Lommel wrote:

> Hi Damien,
>> OpenGL Anti-aliasing implementation for blender windows
> I'm not sure what your plans are, but this needs more work..
> There should be a user preference as it is usually quite a bit slower,
> for all drawing, but especially when working with detailed scenes.
> Further, the antialiasing should only be selectively enabled, i.e.
> opengl multisampling state should be disabled by default and only
> enabled for 3d view drawing or other places if it makes sense. Right
> now it is also anti-aliasing for example the UI drawing, which makes
> the widgets look blurry.
> Brecht.
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