Hi Lukas :)

   thanks :)

> Have you thought about rendering gases yet? I guess this is a
> different challenge, since you cannot approximate gases by a sharp
> surface boundary (except for very stylized art perhaps). Point density
> texture might be the right answer, but you may have to add additional
> turbulence to get small scale detail. Point density textures already
> support turbulence, not sure if that would be sufficient (afaik the
> current smoke simulator uses a similar technique, using wavelet
> turbulence for small noise frequencies or so. Just wildly guessing
> from my limited knowledge.)

  That's currently the path to render particle gases, you're rigth !

> I suppose you used a turbulence modifier on that empty to make those
> particles move "randomly" ? If so, you might be interested in the flow
> noise method i use, here's a small test video used with a volume
> texture: http://vimeo.com/8929215. This could easily be applied to the
> turbulence modifier to avoid the static behaviour (particles
> essentially clumping in the same places all the time). Until now it
> seemed i was the only one actually interested in this, so i didn't
> make a patch yet, but it can be done quickly. I know very little about
> actual fluid simulation, so i don't know if this "fake" turbulence
> could/would be replaced by inherent fluid features.

 yes, those empties contain turbulent fields and your proposal of a better
turbulent field seems very interesting ... so I preciate any
collaboration in that :)

> Just hope your particle simulation is not too efficient, so that there
> might still be a place for my own fire sim ;)
> Keep it up!
> Lukas

 Nah ;) , your approach is also very interesting and has potential , the
good thing about Blender is that is a blender of 3D technologies ... a
name never have being better choosen.

                                  Cheers and keep ut you to.

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