
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the following issues with Wacom 
tablets under 2.5, or if it's just me.  I can't really submit a bug report 
because the issues themselves are unpredictable.  I'm assuming that it's 
related to the Wacom tablet because people using mice at work don't seem to 
have the same issues:

- When sculpting, sometimes the tool continues to modify the mesh even after 
the pen has left the tablet. (Repeatedly clicking off the model or tabbing in 
and out of Blender solves the issue.)

- When UserPreferencesEdit.drag_immediately is true it works as expected, but 
every so often the behavior defaults to how it works when 
UserPreferencesEdit.drag_immediately is false.  Toggling the value in the 
preferences window has no effect; restarting Blender fixes the issue.

- The corner drag handle that's used to split areas is extremely hard to click 
on.  (With a mouse it's much less so.)

- There's a noticeable (50 - 100ms or so, by my estimate) lag between when you 
put the pen to the tablet to rotate the 3D viewport and when the viewport 
actually begins rotating, moving, or trucking.  This lag is considerably 
lessened by going into full screen mode, but it's still apparent enough to 
cause a jump when positioning the view.

I think the problems have something to do with a threshold value; past a 
certain pressure threshold the system registers a click, but sometimes that 
threshold is not passed yet the system driver sends a click message, which 
confuses Blender.  Is there a way to debug tablet values directly inside 
Blender by, for example, reading RNA and having it pump into text fields 
created by Python?  Perhaps some way to piggyback on system messages for input 
without eating those messages?

~ Charles
I get the "sculpt stroke" not ending when I lift the pen from the tablet too  
(sometimes, not all the time, not often enough to be annoying!
I too cannot narrow down exactly how it happens but suspect it might be related 
to a view nav move also...
...  (ubuntu 9.10 64bit  with an intuos4)
 ...so it seems it's on all OS! probably not a driver thing

I don't use drag immediately so cannot confirm....

corner drag handles are very hard to hit (also on my tablet pc)  I almost never 
use a mouse though so cannot comment on whether that's easier

I don't get (haven't noticed) any lag when rotating the view....

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