On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Campbell Barton <ideasma...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi, I didnt realize this was possible but you should be able to add
> image access without any C changes using the as_pointer() function.
> pt = bpy.data.images["Image"].as_pointer()
> >From here you should be able to use pure python with ctypes to access
> the ibuf's rect.
> this is one of the reasons I added as_pointer() but I didnt test it with
> images.
> --
> - Campbell

Seem to recall you saying you wanted a py_buffer method to replace
Image.getpixel()/setpixel() which is what this patch attempts to do but I
suppose one could use ctypes and a raw pointer to do the same thing...not
very pythonic though.
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