Hi list,

sorry if this is the wrong place to articulate an uneducated wish.
I was recently playing around with pyOpenCV, pyOpenGL, pygame and the

What I found in those libraries is the ability to pass around pixel
buffers in the form of a raw string meaning they are all able to convert
from and to their native Image objects using simple methods like
".toString()" or ".fromstring()"

So what you can do is for example take a part of your screen via
gtk.gdk.Pixbuf and convert it to an OpenCV image for further use in

While in Blender we dont have python pixel access to imBuf atm. (correct
me if I'm wrong) we do so for bgl. We can use bgl.Buffer and put in
pixels via glReadPixels and get a list from that. I'll have a look and
see if I can implement a conversion from this list to this raw string
the other libraries can handle. without numpy this propably will be
quite slow, though...

So, this is propably nothing new, just wanted to say that pixel access
to images is on my wishlist, too :) I wouldnt mind ctypes even. If this
is just noise to you, I apologize.

greetz philipp

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