On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:48 AM, Benjamin Tolputt
<btolp...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> Matt Ebb wrote:
>> Anyway again, this doesn't really affect the api much, in the future it 
>> could conceivably be implemented as an option that overrides the 
>> BLENDER_TEMP with the current .blend file path, so that code using the api 
>> works the same. So I'm happy to go ahead get something working with the 
>> current design here.
> If this could be (as you suggest would be your preference) optionally a
> sub-directory of the current .blend file path (say
> "$CURRENT_BLEND_PATH/tmpfiles/" or similar) - this would be perfect. I
> too would prefer that there be a separate directory that keeps files I
> can easily delete at my leisure separate from the blend files.
> Everything else you suggest is great - so not debate other than the above.

Regarding temp files in home directory being bad.

While it can be annoying having temp files clog up your home dir I'd
also expect any setup with networked home directories also has a
sysadmin who can configure blender to look elsewhere for temp files.
As long as it can be changed without too much trouble I don't have a
problem with this.
By the way, last time I checked - gimp do this for their swap folder,
I recall having to point this elsewhere when we used networked home
dir's at the blender institute.
- Campbell
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