On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:00 PM, Martin Poirier <the...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Mon, 3/7/11, Campbell Barton <ideasma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Python do a new releases fairly in-frequently, I recall
>> when we first
>> moved to Py3.1 (dropping 2.x) there were hardly any
>> packages in
>> distros and most Linux devs needed to build,
>> though I expect we have a lot more people building blender
>> now.
> Python has minor releases every six months or so, sometimes less.
True but the versions which break the ABI are major releases.

>> Seeing as this will happing every 1-2 years? (3.1 was
>> released over 18
>> months ago), every time this will be a similar situation
>> where Linux
>> devs/builders are comfortable with having easily available
>> packages
>> and suddenly don't.
> Unless the benefits outweighs the hindrances, there's nothing lost by waiting 
> until the next minor release.

Agree this could be ok.

> IIRC, there's no syntax changes in 3.2 and the list of bug fixes isn't didn't 
> seem to contain anything urgent. Scripts written for 3.1 will be compatible 
> with 3.2 so there's no good reasons to switch before a Blender release, 
> unless there's a bugfix we really need (is the windows path issue that 
> important?).

No blocking bugs but ~3 reported bugs which directly relate to
problems with python, so these are kinds of corner cases but you can
also imagine its annoying if blender scripts cant read your home dir.
I did manage to workaround these (for the mostpart), but
PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault has no PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault counterpart
in py3.1.

>> Other then waiting a few months for packages to emerge in
>> mainstream
>> distros or bundling python source with blender - I can't
>> see a way
>> around this.
> It's been out two weeks and, if I'm reading this right, it was discussed in 
> meeting two weeks ago. There's a giant gap between being cautious, waiting 
> for distros to pick it up and what happened.

Yep, this is very arbitrary when we upgrade, I'd still like to do this
within say a month of release (for Py3.3, not talking about minor
releases here)

>> Nevertheless we can make this a meeting topic for next
>> time.
> It's a bit too late now.
> For important changes like this, it would be nice if the author could at 
> least make sure it's mentioned in the meeting notes or drop an outline of the 
> changes on the ml. I don't think it's too much to ask (again).
I'm writing up some notes on policy for upgrade, will reply with this next.

> Martin
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- Campbell
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